this ordeal was very lovely. unlocked all the scenes. elliot would indeed make a great boy whore. the games are fun. well the swimming one is challenging but possible to beat, and we get lore in the game. i did'nt have any technical problems, and i was trying my best to look. but those scenes. Worth it. I am looking forward to more exploration of the manor and its workers, I do really hope there is a maze garden. and it implements a chase system or like how the swim game works. a big woman gardener / custodian care taker under the employ of Victoria or Eleanor has them to seclude you in the maze and this big woman of a gardner trys looking for you, then if she catches you elliot goes missing but is being used as spunk fertilizer. "a weird meaty hose protrudes from a fertilier bag, constantly spraying over the flowers being carried by that big woman gardner"