Hello! I was wondering if there was a way to get this particular file in English? I love your other games and this looks great. Thanks!
Hello, thank you for your kind words! Unfortunately it's not available in English. I did this to offer a free-as-in-freedom game in Turkish (because there's none.) I did it directly in Turkish, so I don't have any English notes either.
This is a mash-up of Warhammer Fantasy Battles 2e (and Warhammer 40k 1e), scaled down to Necromunda/Mordheim levels, which also support historical (WW2, etc. play). It's a retro-clone, more or less.
To make up for this, give me the name of a character of yours, and I'll put him/her somewhere in the sandbox hexcrawl (for B/X) I'm working on. :)