I thought it would be fitting. 😅
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Hello, thank you for your kind words! Unfortunately it's not available in English. I did this to offer a free-as-in-freedom game in Turkish (because there's none.) I did it directly in Turkish, so I don't have any English notes either.
This is a mash-up of Warhammer Fantasy Battles 2e (and Warhammer 40k 1e), scaled down to Necromunda/Mordheim levels, which also support historical (WW2, etc. play). It's a retro-clone, more or less.
To make up for this, give me the name of a character of yours, and I'll put him/her somewhere in the sandbox hexcrawl (for B/X) I'm working on. :)
Firstly, thanks for the feedback! Yes, I realised that I might have gotten a bit tunnel-visioned while compiling the ruleset. I plan to provide a "section 0" or "quickstart" chapter at the beginning, explaining the mechanics in a clear way. I guess that would clarify things. My inital intention when intorducing the mechanics slowly in each chapter was to follow a logical order (at least, logical to me :)) -- as a solo player, first you'd need a land, so first I provided the land generation rules, then you'd need a character to play, so next comes the character generation, etc, --this was the pedogogical approach to writing rules, but it seems like people want to just dive in.
Also, your second paragraph means that I wasn't also clear with the card use. I hoped to make die rolls and cards interchangable, so you'd be able to play a card as a non-magic user, instead of playing a card, or manipulating the play deck to make your power available once again, etc. Your character's power (as specified in the player card) can be used # number of times, # being your level. You don't need to use the card IF it is your character card, as you keep it out of the play deck during the game. This means that I'll have to clarify power/spell use. And I feel like I should not be wordy, and try to use as few words as possible, at least in the "section 0" as I described above.
Thanks again for your constructive criticism, much appreciated!
Actually, that was how it had been until the last review, then I opted for stating it as "d12" instead of 2d6s, as there were also cases where 2d6s were rolled. To separate the two, I chose to call it "d12" and state it in the terminology in the introduction chapter. (Similar thing with d66)
But I like what you suggest in the second paragraph, I think it is clear. (seven dice, or seven d6s), Thank you for this.
Yes, I am aware that the probability with 2d6s is highest with 6-7-8 results. But I think the initial d6 roll (with 5-6 as success) will make POIs scarce. So I don't think there'll be many palaces. BUT, I heard you, and I'm noting it down, and will review tables accordingly. Thank you for your feedback!
Initially, the game was more card-driven (that's why all card have specific names), like you suggested, but dice rolling felt like the quicker way in practice, so I opted for that.