Harem players don't like that in general. That's one reason they play harem games to beginn with. Also Replaying porngames for the tiny variations? I could use that time for another playthrough of Baldurs Gate 3. Or play a complete new game for that matter.
Focus on one great story or you will get stuck in the weeds and the players wont thank you for it when the progress of updates crawls to an halt because you got lost in your branching narrative. Variable errors creep up and people see things they didn't want to. Or they need to wait a year for the next interaction with their favourite girl.
aye, most of us that play harem vn's play for everyone so we don't have to replay over and over. Pretty much wasting time if your trying to make stuff you can't see on the 1st playthrough. The only time I've ever played a harem vn over is because saves were broken. And all events should be linear and not forced to choose between girls for an event/scene
That's fair. I need to have a proper think about whether I branch or not.
My plan was to branch the main storyline (into two) and add a bunch of variations to keep it interesting for anyone wanting to replay it, but I also wanted to try to make a game where everyone's experience was slightly different.
As for lewd scenes, you can currently see every major lewd scene in one playthrough. But there are failsafes built in so that depending on your choice to pursue certain LIs or view certain content, there are alternative scenes to ensure the story keeps it's continuity. The choices you make also affect the outcome of later non-lewd scenes, so dialogue/actions/reactions/locations changes depending on choice. Stat checks unlock minor variations to lewd/non-lewd scenes, and you can't currently pass all of these in one playthrough.
That's basically where the game is at in it's current state