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(1 edit)

Nice job for a jam, realistic features for a finished game ! Cool but hard as hell, couldn't get over 30 bugs, cant dodge the enemies without the specials in the end, making it impossible to finish, is there an hidden trick ? 

For further improvement though : could have better visuals and juicy feebacks, could have small random level variation (obstacles or walls) and other special bugs with new effects and you'll be set for a very good game :)


Thank you my green friend! Did you get that the bad guys shoot themselves if you go near them while they are buggy? I'll make that more clear anyhow. Another way is to try to clump them up in the middle as much as possible. It's really hard once they formed a line. I've managed to get past 50 three times, personal record is 61 hehee :). I'll check your game after dinner.