I was kind of confused with the tag as well. The game seems to be more voyeuristic in nature, with you being an observer to all the events. I think the term NTR encompasses a lot of things now, so I wouldn't be surprised if it does also include voyeurism. There could also be some route planned where you explore a more serious relationship with the diver, so I wonder if that's why they included it. In that scenario, the NTR tag would fit way better since it's now your girlfriend being harassed by the horrors that lurk in the deep. I'm into NTR and hope there's some kind of route for that, but I hope people who aren't into it also get a more vanilla route so they can enjoy this amazing game as well.
@i love NTR2
Right, the game only has the first 7 missions available but once the rest of the levels are added it will become a bit more relevant. For now it's just a warning for future content.
@Le Flop
Yea after the date mechanic was added the game fell into a bit of a gray zone when it comes to NTR. I wanted to be on the safe side since the relationship gets a little more serious as the game goes on. (And thank you!)