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A member registered Mar 25, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you, glad you're liking it! 
Hope to do much more character building with the salvor as well! 👍

Definitely more BE coming 😁👍

Check in the description under "Planned updates..."

It will give update details as well as mention when I'll start on the update. 

If I end up adding or changing content for the planned update I'll update it there.


You mean give the previous version out free? I do not plan on making the outdated versions of the full game free. Also the update will be mostly expanding on previous mechanics so there won't be any beta, it will just be a content update. 

Maybe, I would need to check the process again before saying definitively.

Sure I'll see what I can do 👍

The 3 current languages are the only ones that will be available until the bulk of the writing is finished.

After that, all remaining languages that have translators will be added in near  version 1.0.

Unfortunately I do not have any Korean translators. But if I do get one then their translation will be added near version 1.0 as well.

If you or anyone you know would like to volunteer to translate let me know! 👍

Hey thanks! I'll do my best 👍

There are currently only 7 levels in early access. 

In the next update I'll be adding in a level counter in the home area in order to keep track of the total levels completed. 👍

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Interesting, people on my other game suddenly started getting that error too.

Could you try opening the terminal and typing:  xattr -cr 
Then dragging the app to the line after the -cr? It should work after that.

Let me know if that helps.

I think mac hit both of my games with a gatekeep error recently.

Here's a vid (@0:52) showing where to put it just in case.

Certainly! There is a solid (planned at least) chance some non-work interactions are going to be happening between you and her.  (For story reasons I'm not entirely sure if that'll be in the next update or the one after that though.)

Correct! You will be able to access all future updates as well as any free updates that happen after the full game is released.

Indeed! Currently the idea is there will be various outfit events that change the look of all future events in the level. That way it won't take too much time to do the extra CGs. I'll make those outfit events show up relatively early so players won't have to redo levels in case they find an event before the outfit event.

Alright sorry for the delay! I made two versions + and ++. 

(++) should work.

If it doesn't please message me on discord so we can continue with a debug build. 

If it does work let me know so I can delete the other versions.

Right, since game overs aren't a mechanic yet that would be a difficult addition. BUT that CPR suggestion gave me an idea for a scene, I'll add that to the list! Also glad you're liking the game so far! 

Thanks for the heads up! I'll see what I can do to fix that problem.

Good question! In fact I need to change some tags based on the analytics. 

Most of the potential tags are not set in stone yet, but there are 3 that 100% will be happening based on suggestions and requests. 

- Scuba gear/underwater h-scenes

- Beastiality (most likely tentacles)

- Lactation

Aside from that if something fits naturally enough with the theme it may be added too.

Yes futa content will be a sizeable chunk BUT it will be easily avoidable, once you enter a level with futa the salvor will call them out when she sees them.

Glad you like it! I hope to give this concept the justice it deserves, especially in future updates. 

And thank you! I appreciate your kind words. 🙏

Thanks for the bug report! I'll see if I can find a way to replicate it before implementing a fix in the next update. 

Unfortunately the png only has a clothed variation, and for now the png is intended to disappear after a while, however in the next version the png will stay active all the time.  

Also I appreciate your support! 🙏

Hola, siento oír eso. Si no has contactado con el soporte de te recomiendo que lo hagas primero. Por lo general, me incluirá en el correo electrónico para que pueda ayudar con más información. 

Si ya lo has intentado, te recomiendo que pidas un reembolso. Como no has descargado el juego, deberían devolverte los 20,86 USD sin problemas. 👍


Yes! Simplified Chinese will be available on the new version. 👍


Right?! It feels like the more extra time I budget the more time it ends up taking.

Thanks VoidBomb, I appreciate it! 😊I hope to do it justice. 

Yes, there are no sex scenes of any kind in the game at the moment, and unfortunately there won't be any in the translation patch (v0.33) that I'm currently working on. 

BUT there will be everything promised in the NEXT next content update (likely jumping from v0.33 to  v0.6). The content update will also most likely take considerably less time than this one did.

And thanks! Hoping to get this translation patch out asap so I can get back to making the content all of you pre-ordered for! 🙏

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a good way to get touch screen support to work at the time.  Since this game is on hold until SDEEP's release it will be a while longer before I look into the problem again. Most likely I'll need to make a work-around for it once I get back to this.


I appreciate it! Glad you're liking the game and story so far!

Also I'll keep that in mind with how I write conversations in the future, I could definitely write some of those lines before each Y/N more cleanly.

Thank you for your support! 😊 Hope you enjoyed my previous game as well!

Thank you! Glad you like the concept! Hoping for updates to speed up after I roll out v0.33. 👍

I don't have an exact date but the next update will be mostly focused on translations for DLSite, hoping it will be finished in a week or two. Once I finish with that I'll be back to content updates. 

Sorry it seems that there is no way for me to give out steam keys on this game's pricing model, "pay what you want" gives out a key for any donation size. 

Message me on discord or some other private channel and I'll give you a key.

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Yes, it will take Steam a couple of days to respond but everyone will be able to download a Steam key once Steam approves. I'll make sure to mention that in the post as well.

Curse of Dares has been out for a hot minute, 😁 this is just an announcement for the steam "port" 👍

Nonetheless thank you for your support! 🙏

Hello! Thank you! 

When you get an event you should get pink text saying she is doing something, similar to the falling event. All the events that you get are also stored in the 'home' map node. (The blue area on the map) The gallery there will have all the events that you've previously found. More scenes will be added in the future as well.

Also correct, Old Camping Cave is the lowest mission on version v0.32.5, 6 missions in total. More missions will be coming in future updates.

Alright, I'll put in a failsafe in the next update. 

In the mean time: 

1. Could you go into your ...LocalLow\Delusria\Salvor DEEP and open PlayerData in notepad.
2. Scroll to the right until you find "visitedLevels" and add a: , 1 like this 
3. This SHOULD give you the level the next time you start it. If it doesn't then let me know.  (I assume you still keep your loot, equipment , hscenes etc between levels and restarts of the game?)
4. If it does give you the level then see if you can complete the other 'new' levels and discover the rest of the levels from there.

Unfortunately the game is limited to 2 modules at the moment. If there is something more than futa events it will be most likely much later. 

I see, it seems there's a problem with the game adding levels to the completed list.

One more thing, when you mentioned you deleted the save files, you meant the files in the ...\AppData\LocalLow\Delusria directory right?

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Sorry to hear that, I've tried to replicate the problem a couple of times with no luck. Could you send me an image of what the full world map looks like?

Thank you for troubleshooting ahead of time as well, that speeds up things a lot for me.

Monsters and people will be added in later levels