Indeed! Futa salvors are recurring enemy types that are capable of chasing things other than just the salvor.
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Thank you!
The NTR question is a bit dependent on what you're looking for.
If you are looking for NTR (as in a relationship then corruption and loss of your salvor to someone else) then there won't be any explicit NTR.
If you are avoiding NTR (as in any sex scenes between her and male salvors) then there is a toggle button that prevents those from happening, changing conversations, skipping events, etc.
Interesting idea with the sound-only events. While I don't have a voice actress I do think voice sounds to indicate certain events or statuses would be cool.
And certainly! The shopkeeper will be getting a couple of scenes in the future as well. 😊
I'll check these out in game:
1. Great catch there! Failing to load the game now saves a new game to make sure the reload has an intro.
2. Done
3. This one is interesting, I checked it out again and it seems she says 'I hear something... friends?' let me know if there is a better first contact line that you know of somewhere else that would make more sense in the mansion or if you ran into a bug that prevented you from seeing that line I mentioned earlier. Ultimately, I could move the mansion down under the first interaction.
4. Old camping cave has two fish that should both be catchable, if you were referring to the collapsed machine station the one in the corner should now be feedable in the new patch.
5. I'll add those in as well.
6. This is intended. However, I think a good fix for the sea glider would be to add an extra salvor.
7. I'll look into that possibility.
Thank you! I've got a couple ideas for each of these mechanics to push them a bit further so I hope that keeps it fresh for the last 8.
These are some great things to find btw, many of which my beta testers couldn't. If you would like to help test the next update let me know. 👍
Sometimes the hub cave floods in order to bring in more salvors. I'll color the flood marking on that level so it's a bit more clear.
At the Dying Sea Glider you'll need to go up into the first room from the pod and step in both corners where the beds are. It should get you up to lvl3 ass. Once you do click on one of the other salvors.
To your second paragraph:
Honestly a little of everything you mentioned there so far but the first part you mentioned is the most difficult one. Essentially missed content, it's more complicated than that due to a mistake I made much earlier in development so I won't get into it here. 😅 But as of right now I plan for everything to stay the same in terms of direction.
I appreciate your support! 🙏
Interesting idea with the requirements, certain h-scenes are getting more difficult to reach. The Seaglider's 2nd scene can be especially missable.
I'll have to be careful about everything I add to the NTRish list, I've already had problems with people mentioning the number is too high. On the other hand the process for figuring out the futa gets more complicated day by day as I learn everyone's preferences for the toggle.
Certainly! Tish x Dispatch and Salvor x Dispatch will be coming next. 😊
Sorry about the late reply, I seemed to have missed a day.
Don't tell anyone else this but I think you're right on the money with that assumption about the Dickgirl in the second paragraph.
As for the rest of the comment, a permanent bonus salvor would be a really cool idea! With her own strengths, downsides, and paygrade it would be an interesting way to have an use for all the extra money.
Thank you! 😊
Sorry about the late reply, I seemed to have missed a day.
Patch is out with most of those bugs fixed!
'I forgot to tell you something I was thinking of, maybe it'll come up tonight' is just one of the randomized endings, the idea being you still have remaining dates.
And thank you! Detailed bug reports like these make bug-testing much easier.
Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to plan around your personal definition of NTR.
I made a poll in the discord and the community decided that the images marked in the toggle are the ones that constitute as their personal definitions.
If I go by the largely accepted definition that NTR implies a romantic relationship with the protagonist first then NTR is not yet available in this game.
But neither of these definitions would satisfy you. If you have any other problems feel free to message me privately. I'd rather you didn't start arguments here.