I'll tell ya why people don't trust steam. DRMs plus they still sell games on there that's don't really run on windows 10-11. There is also terrible support. Windows 8 support dropped on their launcher. Windows 8 is from what 2013?? They dropped support for Mac os Mojave in February 2024. An operating system from 2018. I'd be pretty pissed if I'd paid for games only to get a few years out of them. The gen Z kids don't know any better so they just go along with it. I only found out what steam was during COVID. I've spoken the numerous people around the 30-40 age group and they refuse to buy into this online DRM type of stuff. I'd say the days of these big Ubisoft/Steam type subscriptions are probably past their prime. GoG has no DRMs people trust it so they use it. It's a much better business model.