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A member registered Mar 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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I like Sequestered Keep and Fief, I often out on ULK or Fogweaver if I'm trying to drift off to sleep. Quest master is good too. Atlantean Sword is another I've listened to a bit recently. Best album for me is either Fief II by Fief or Depressive Silence II from 1996.

I've also released a few DS albums/experiments. They are on my page. Check them. Cheers 

Just DM one of the admins on there. I don't use discord anymore 

Try discord aswell if it's a more urgent matter. It worked for me.

Start of with a business plan and set goals then go from there

Hit the nail on the head there. Niche forums are the way to go.

Used to use YouTube, Facebook and discord. Just Facebook now. Not worth using the rest. The time vs income factor isn't worth it.

Use a few niche forums which brings the highest traffic. 

Are there any decent Diablo-clone type games on here? Share them here. Also any first person ARPGs?? Share them also and I'll add them to my collection im working on!!!

Also I appreciate ratings if you have a minute. Whilst you are here check out my sword and sorcery collection I've put together! Loads of  cool games in there!

Check out our RPG saga spanning 2 game. Hours of dark dungeon crawling await.....

Great job leafo

I see it's not Russian is it Czech?

Outsiders perspective I don't speak or read Russian. Page looks vague. Maybe try add some other translations on the oage

Too hard to pick one.

Neverwinter nights 1


Rome Total war

I'll add this texture pack is still up and it's free

Looks great good luck with it

Not I haven't played it I was just going off First impressions 

Build following. Engage with Audience. Treat it like. Business. Setup a business plan of goals you wish to achieve. Post in forums to promote. Get links out there to promote consist website traffic and the rest will take care of itself. Eventually if you pull enough of the page will 'work for itself' and you won't need to grind as much.

Looks cool. Keep up the good work 

Normally either dreamy dungeon synth or black metal 

Looks cool good stuff 

Add more screenshots. Not giving much away with how the page currently looks

I am looking for the Dev of this game which is apparently using my music in it. I haven't been able to contact them. I only want to thank them and help to promote their game.

I don't use steam but if you do you should get behind this game and wishlist it!!!!

I believe this game uses a few assets from!

World's gone mad

What is a femboy?

I've updated Bane of Oakenshade and Below the Oak with DGVOODOO this should support modern graphics cards and improve lighting issues under windows 10 and 11

Have added an inbuilt lighting and graphical smoother to suit windows 10 now check it out!

Looks pretty good . There is not quite enough info there on game descriptions.  A few eye catching details look good on the page. It's simple enough without being overly complicated.

Yeah just the character images o there than that looks good. Id say it's appealing 

Wow good stuff. Good to see C64 still going strong

Hope you enjoy

Nwe game out. Expect a dark dungeon crawler. Fairly Grundy definitely keeps you on your toes. Has some horror/survival elements in there aswell. There is plenty of treasure and secrets to be found Below the Oak. Resources management is extremely important so don't go drinking potions like there is no tomorrow. Out smart your enemies and play to your advantages. 

I stated awhile ago this is my last game for the time being. This is true. I'm not going anywhere just have nothing more in the pipeline at the moment and looking forward to a break. Please share my content around and I hope you enjoy it. I will respond to messages and Emails almost daily!

Out now!!!

Out now!!!!


Yes I loved that game. I played version 2.1 aswell. Some awesome dungeon crawling in the Meera crypt and tunnels early on. I never finished it I encountered some bug where an NPC called Gnald didn't spawn where I needed to progress the story. Loads of work gone into that game true credit to the developer. I wish he would finish that game off I've been in correspondence with him regards to reviving Moratheia and sadly he stopped replying to me. Almost 12 months ago.  

How he made all those custom map tiles line up and added unique movements for unique enemies is beyond me. All textures are nice quality too. Sword of moonlight engine could produce something very viable today with minimal coding if some dedicated developers got on board as a group. Could create a huge unique fantasy game. Moratheia showcases what can be achieved.