It's really impressive how well-written the ROs are, they feel alive and it's really nice to see how they each have their own personalities and differences (was surprised when I realized only Laz and Az have higher tolerance for MC doing something bad lol) I love Az, they're literally my ideal type so I fell hard and fell again when they still took MC's side after the choking 🤣
That's good to know since my MC sanity point is lower than I expected to be 🤣 I hope it doesn't fall lower than that tbh or she would be in danger HAHA
Also I have a quick question if you don't mind! Will the MC be still able to get together with the ROs if they keep going down the questionable path? Will it damage the relationship (like completely) or will they still be able to make it work somehow?
You can always gain sanity back if you make the right choices (or lower it even more, lol), and there's a maximum and a minimum sanity value you can get at this point, so I wouldn't worry about it yet.
That's spoilers, I'm afraid! I can only say that there will be some romance happening just like in the normal path, but the flavor will be different ;)