What an interesting idea! I've been looking forward to everything you do ever since I played Untitled Puzzle Game.
For as limited as some of the presentation is, it gets across the mood really well, and I enjoy the stories of all the characters. I didn't love the reveals of the true conclusion, but I have to admit it was a fitting end.
Just about the only thing that I actively dislike here is the time commitment for seeing all the content. With minimal player choices and a lot of waiting time, it became quite boring as early as the 3rd attempt. I ended up just sitting around with the game running while I kept clicking and doing other things on my phone.
It's not the worst thing in the world, and it didn't stop me from seeing the true ending, but I question how many players will have the patience to sit through it all. Seems like the sort of game that, if it became popular, people would prefer to just watch all the final words scenes on youtube instead of play it themselves.
Still, I overall really enjoyed what I saw.