☆ Devlog 11/24/24 +
Pris now has.. LORE! Which will be revealed in the game. I'm not sure if I'm revealing the full spoilers here or not yet. Being able to mark things as a spoiler would be nice. I've been working on modeling a room vital to her lore & designing and modeling a past version of herself. The texturing could use some polishing. The room will probably contain more props when I'm done with it and a new character important to Pris will be added.
☆ Pictures (kinda spoilers! ignore if you want lore related things to be a surprise) +
☆End notes +
Well.. I've got some animating ahead of me. Ignore the texturing error on the Pris model, I will fix that. I need to get to the Red Queen's level as well, I have the design set I just need to build it. It's ornate, so that's going to be fun. I'd like to get working on the dialogue too, I have ideas! But I need to make the NPCs for that. There's a lot to do. I have a clear path on what I need to do, so things will get done. I really enjoy seeing things come together. I'm not sure how open I should be about the development of the story as I'm not sure if I'd chase people off with spoilers. Advice is welcome in that area..
Thanks for tunin' in!
-Spooky || gothflakes