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I'm guessing you like blueprints? Do you have experience with text based languages as well and if so, how do they compare for you?

I personally can't imagine me liking a graphical language but I'm curious what the thoughts on it are from someone who used both.

I like blueprints, but I've made stuff with Unity and C#. Sometimes I mess around with other languages like JavaScript and C++.

Personally I like using blueprints mainly because of how easy and fast it is to get things done. It really helps in fast iterations since there's basically no Compile/Build time.

I mean like like typing code, but blueprints are just more convenient for me. It's limiting sometimes but it's nothing major. Or if it's something major I could use C++ for that.

or any thing math related. If I am creating a function in blueprints with lots of loops and maths it gets so messy very quickly. I tend to make a C++ component with those complex math functions and then call them from the blueprint actor clas