Powerups and the start of UI.
Looking at a few powerup types. So far these are just here and dropping in.
From top row, left to right, Points (small), Gold (small), Health (small), [Large variants of prior], Attack Power Up, Shield, Damping, Attack Power Up (Large), Shield (Large). The thing on the points is supposed to look like some kind of wheat or flower. I'm aware with the problem in having the coins both be blank, too.
Points will be typical, gotten through player actions. They will be able to be exchanged for Gold and lives at the end of each stage. There's more ways to get it, but it clears if a player restarts a stage.
Gold is gold. You spend it on lives and cards.
Attack Power Up is a bit self-explanatory, but I'll take a moment to explain how damage works here. Rather than just be a flat rate, players have three attack stats, Sword, Ranged, and Magic. I want to take a cue from Imperishable Night and eventually have the possibility of the player swapping characters when they're "focused," since that would explain an ingame movement decrease speed. In addition, individual cards have their own power. So, the damage calculation adds the damage dealing attack of the card's type, the card's actual value, and this modifier. For most enemies, this won't matter, but the additions would make some boss fights easier.
Shield and Damping should probably have their names swapped. When a player is hurt by damage, if there's a shield, then damage is first removed from the shield, and any current damping is removed from damage not absorbed by the shield before being applied to the player. Damping automatically reduces by 1 every 1.5 (or, rather, a damping time) seconds, allowing for lesser-invulnerability periods and temporary invulnerability periods, i.e. after a player respawns. Both of these are actively shown on the UI below the health, spaced out as a percentage against max health.
(Notice that a collision which previously killed the player does not affect them while the blue bar is still active).
I don't think GifCam did justice just what this bar looks like in action
Lol, I should probably make a little more clear what's happening in that... as a feature for the game, not a blog post, that is.