Two under the hoods – polar night
Pixel art for today based on videogame Wizardry 7 for computer system Ibm Pc MsDos. It is very advanced and very well-made role playing game. But, one certain thing – that, it is very complicated game, as a point. And, you need to dig it, invest lots of time into the game. Might and Magic 6 was released later and it will be more simple to get the game ideas. But interesting game world and interesting game system there are here, that’s for sure! So, it is good to turn on by the evenings your Ms Dos computer and whole hours spent on this Wizardry 7. If this way, then it is good idea to try! It is such analog for Witcher. Game requires lots of time.
And this is my drawing based on. Under the hood there are two heroes. Maybe, they are two brothers. Or, two friends. And, maybe, just adventurers. Who knows. But, ahead, a dark night awaits them. And a long road. Road, that is full of dangerous. Charmed creatures. Golems. Big flies. Some strange forest livers, which no one see in the city. First, it is good to find a tomb of archimage. And to see what is it interesting inside. There, should to be a key from tower of mage. Which is located deep into the forest. So, this way road leads ahead, deeper and deeper. Deeper and deeper – into the forest. By the road. By the road of the night.
Along the freezing iced lake. At the top, there is ice there. And you can walk, but it is very dangerous. Underwater livers can break the ice and push you under the water. It is better to walk along the lake. And there in a far - it is an ice castle. And who know what is next.
While it is going here a polar night – it is a time of monsters from another side. Which goes to this world. Polar night will lasts about one year. And, later, it will to be a great day. At this planet everything works like this. Sometimes, powerful creatures from other side can make polar night longer for several times by ten days. And such heroes like you are good for this case, that’s why you go into the forest, you go to explore this world of night. And to prevent continue of polar night for more long time. And, also, it is a time for exploration! Few can go behind the civilization borders. And to walk here and there in a wild lands. Especially, in a long night.
I want to draw role playing game. Style of Wizardry 7. But I don’t get this goals, in terms of details, as it is in that game. There is a very good drawing in there. But, I get this picture. Also, it is a role playing game!
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
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