Game 4: Promtition- 114 total (92 w/o newcomer)
Political Impact: 21
- What I was able to play certainly adhere to the theme around civic engagment, with a narrative storyline of mobilizing the student body into signing position for a dresscode in porm
- I think visual novels and non-linear narrative games are definitely more impactful when it comes to taking political action -- you've got to try a bunch of things to see what works and what doesn't work. I also appreciate that this game is about organizing your fellow classmates into taking action. The necessary game verb is... well, agitation! Keep at it, talk to your neighbors and friends! So of course the options that allow the player to stand to the side and "not get involved" aren't going to be successful. While I've found this to be true of real life, of course real life is more nuanced than that -- so I wish some of the choices weren't so obvious ("give up" versus "keep going").
- Ironically for a game about democracy and political organizing, your choices are very limited. Would have like to see more narrative paths, but the one developed was very good.
- i like the idea of teaching the player about petitions and exercising your right to do so. However, i think the message is a undercut by how low the stakes are in this scenario. is having a dress code really going to ruin everything about prom? what kind of important real-world petitions are out there that you could draw inspiration from?
- I think the visual novel style is great for delivering any kind of message, and this game did a good job of putting that into the context of a high school.
- The game clearly demonstrates how civic action can make a difference, even on the local level
Innovation: 13
- What I enjoyed was the opportunities to display persistance, as the main character didn't particularly strike me as the most confident individual, and there were a couple of set backs along the way, with the students not immediately jumping on board for the petition.
- It doesn't feel extremely innovative to me, but I did like the environment/setting of animals at a high school (a la Goodbye Volcano High). Also, side note, the political issue of organizing around the dress code is PERFECT for high schoolers.
- Very individually focused. protagonist format not well suited to democratic theme. Narrative format barely qualifies as gameplay.
- i think there are some missed opportunities in regards to how we convince people that petitions are important and can enact change. I would have liked to see more rationale for why citizens should care about petitions and see them as an avenue of change.
- The visual novel alone maybe isn't super innovative but I did like the prom petition idea and giving players choices in how to navigate situations always creates potential for new ideas
- I liked the focus on high school politics; you even included disparate voices that show how complex political negotiation can be
Quality: 17
- There were elemetns that did really work in its favor: the art and music especially, as well as the narrative progression. But there were also a couple of game breaking bugs that got in the way of me playing through the experienece, and I tried back tracking to see if I could get around them, but no dice.
- In comparison with other games, I thought the art was exceptional, and I appreciated the writing and music as well.
- Laughed at differential equations for a HS senior. Art and sound is solid. Game crashes after on track section.
- i really like the art and for the most part the game runs well and is easy to understand. however, i did get a crash at a certain point.
- This is a very polished game and it was a good idea to pursue a visual novel in RenPy since it does make it much easier to put together a polished product for this kind of genre. The art is very well done and looks like a professional product and the music is nice too!
- Unfortunately a couple options I selected led to error codes that forced me to restart the game
Accessibility: 23
- The Game is a pretty straight forward visual novel, so other than the occasional click, it didn't feel like there were many challenges to surmnout.
- Again, in comparison with other games, I appreciated that there were more options to customize the game to the player's desire.
- Accesibility and customizable settings are provided on startup.
- the game is very easy to understand how to play and is very approachable.
- Visual novel games are inherently pretty accessible, so I think this game did a good job with this
- The game is easy to play and accessible
Diversity: 18
- The animals as character was really cute, and I think there is animplicitly diverse message with cuddly creature of different kinds getting along pretty easily.
- The game's world is full of animals (and in my playthrough, it didn't seem very allegorical to real-world racial diversity), so I would't say that the game is particularly concerned with justice & liberation in the real-world sense. However, there are different people who have different thoughts and opinions about the dress code in the game, so I wanted to give some credit.
- Diversity not engaged with as a theme. Variety of characters (nonhuman) depicted.
- i like that the game shows a diverse array of characters with differing views.
- This game pursued diversity by representing various kinds of animals as the characters, which I think is a fair way to do so
- No specific highlighting of minority groups or diversity
Best Newcomer: 22
- As newcomers, this was a stellar first playable! You guys should be proud! I was bumping to the sound track and rooting for our duckling the whole way
- Loved it!
- Game is not in finished state, crashing after certain point.
- i think the game looks great and generally runs very well.
- Great stuff for a new team, with a nicely polished product!
- This is a great first game! Well done.