Yknow what, this isn't bad at all. DEFINITELY an improvement over your other games. There are some bugs I'd like to report though:
-Strafing (moving left or right) causes you to move faster than walking forward or backward
-Getting caught by the principal leads to a softlock where I have to reload the page
-There's also a bug where starting the game doesn't cause the main menu screen to disappear, causing another permanent softlock
-Game still says "d1.0" in some of the menus
-You can't play the game AT ALL after beating the second level. Whenever I try to run the game now I'm just presented with the "winner winner" screen and an unpressable Play button. The save system in general needs improvements.
-Notebook counter says "0/78" in the second level before finding the first notebook. Key counter also says "0/5" even though there's only four keys in the level. The notebooks in the second level also don't make correct/incorrect sounds and only one of them causes fog to appear when completing it incorrectly.
-When getting caught by Gun Kid you can simply spam space to get away when I assume you have to time a jump like with Playtime
-5th key sometimes doesn't spawn in the first level
-The boxing glove lets you push characters through walls
-Drinking the RNG soda pretty much gives the player ice physics