Prolly just missed it then oops
Recent community posts
What happened to the Foxo's bus "ending", the Melodica, and Fasco (hope I got the name right) being visible from the playground? I hope they come back in the full release of 2.0 along with other little secrets. Also a good QOL change would be allowing us to skip Foxo's angery cutscene to get to the rest of Normal mode right away. Otherwise I really like what you got so far and I look forward to 2.0!
Yknow what, this isn't bad at all. DEFINITELY an improvement over your other games. There are some bugs I'd like to report though:
-Strafing (moving left or right) causes you to move faster than walking forward or backward
-Getting caught by the principal leads to a softlock where I have to reload the page
-There's also a bug where starting the game doesn't cause the main menu screen to disappear, causing another permanent softlock
-Game still says "d1.0" in some of the menus
-You can't play the game AT ALL after beating the second level. Whenever I try to run the game now I'm just presented with the "winner winner" screen and an unpressable Play button. The save system in general needs improvements.
-Notebook counter says "0/78" in the second level before finding the first notebook. Key counter also says "0/5" even though there's only four keys in the level. The notebooks in the second level also don't make correct/incorrect sounds and only one of them causes fog to appear when completing it incorrectly.
-When getting caught by Gun Kid you can simply spam space to get away when I assume you have to time a jump like with Playtime
-5th key sometimes doesn't spawn in the first level
-The boxing glove lets you push characters through walls
-Drinking the RNG soda pretty much gives the player ice physics
A few more bugs:
- Trying to spawn Blabi or Nice makes Finale Stalkyin appear instead
- Blabi accepts Yin's Present
- The Stalk ending plays out exactly the same no matter your choices; someone already mentioned how Nice always follows you home but if you ignore Nice and don't eat the cake you won't get the cutscene where Yin game ends you
-You're unable to open the mod menu after beating Stalk Yin second phase, potentially leading to a softlock if you had noclip enabled when the fight ended.
-You can't open the mod menu at Jonathan's house, in the Music Room, or in the Nulbo bossfight (first two are probably intentional but players should be able to undo their cheese settings after getting past Blabi via mod menu)
-Spawning and interacting with Cave Stalkyin via mod menu results in a softlock as the game tries and fails to play the cutscene you see in Main Mode
-The game still crashes in the Computer Ending even if crashing is disabled in Settings
-Indicators in Stalk Yin second phase appear after he moves
-Playing "Indignation of the Blab" in the Music Room causes the whole map to set on fire.
There's probably more mod menu bugs I haven't found yet, but at the moment this probably stands as one of the BEST debug modes I've seen in a Baldi fangame or mod and it's really fun to mess around and experiment with. I do wish there was an Invincibility option however.
-Item audio in Outdoors doesn't loop
-Two posters seem to have missing textures, those being the hidden thank you message in Power of Friendship and the poster in the dead end hallway in Nightmare
-Every story mode level is possible on Hard Mode except for STOP level 2. Haven't tried every bonus level on hard mode yet though.
Ok I take back what I said about the maps entirely because I beat Language and it was the most satisfying thing ever! I also beat the Science Level, which is probably my favorite so far. I like how the map incentivizes looping around instead of going through each section linearly, as Sheba catches up to you easily when solving many notebooks in quick succession. This change in strategy was pretty refreshing to see.
1. Principal gives detention twice every time he catches you (sees you breaking a rule -> 15 seconds -> tries to exit the room but instead gets aggroed again -> 20 seconds)
2. The "guilt time" for escaping detention seems infinite; On Double Trouble mode I escaped detention and got caught well after the detention timer expired
3. Janitor can push you out of bounds; this happened on the first level in the music classroom
4. The first notebook's UI on Double Trouble did not disappear after I answered all problems correctly, essentially softlocking the game.
5. First floor post-Unknown secret ending didn't work (unless it's intentional, the skybox turned dark for a single frame before loading the normal ending which is what made it weird)
6. The second floor secret ending softlocked my game (I had already beaten Unknown at this point; also this probably shouldn't happen before getting the first floor Unknown ending although I can't test it)
7. Camping field trip is basically impossible to be consistent in, Farm field trip spawned in like 30 animals in like the third round (idk if this is intentional or not)
8. There's invisible walls in the first level now.
I'm sorry, but this update was pretty disappointing. It seemed rushed, and the game overall still suffers from a lack of identity from too many unoriginal ideas. I really like the game's art design, map design, and music, and I can tell that a lot of passion went into this, but it just needs more polish.