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A member registered May 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Also off topic question but how is Piter Windski a *biological* child of Vanessa?

Maybe items should spawn immediately after one is thrown?

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I went into the fight with a BSODA, Diet BSODA, and a Zesty Bar, and got him down to 30% health before I lost. Also I doubt it's skill issue because I have beaten Circle's Attack and Vansubs Glitch Style before this

Ok good it's back now


I don't think the hidden mode boss is possible, items don't spawn enough and he gets way too fast, good mod otherwise

I agree

Remaster looks good, what's planned for bonus levels?

Cool take on this kind of genre!

I mean yeah, but it's kinda weird considering how niche Baldi fangames are

I wonder why do people beg for Android so much? Baldi plays horribly on mobile

Ok I take back what I said about the maps entirely because I beat Language and it was the most satisfying thing ever! I also beat the Science Level, which is probably my favorite so far. I like how the map incentivizes looping around instead of going through each section linearly, as Sheba catches up to you easily when solving many notebooks in quick succession. This change in strategy was pretty refreshing to see.

What I did was save the library classrooms for last (final notebook being the one near the elevator) and used glue to stall Unknown. It was a pretty close call but I was able to get to the bossfight

You're welcome, remember that game development takes time and you shouldn't feel inclined to push out updates as fast as possible. Take your time, and we'll be patient. The players aren't the ones working on the game, after all, so we're not entitled to beg for updates.

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1. Principal gives detention twice every time he catches you (sees you breaking a rule -> 15 seconds -> tries to exit the room but instead gets aggroed again -> 20 seconds)

2. The "guilt time" for escaping detention seems infinite; On Double Trouble mode I escaped detention and got caught well after the detention timer expired

3. Janitor can push you out of bounds; this happened on the first level in the music classroom

4. The first notebook's UI on Double Trouble did not disappear after I answered all problems correctly, essentially softlocking the game.

5. First floor post-Unknown secret ending didn't work (unless it's intentional, the skybox turned dark for a single frame before loading the normal ending which is what made it weird)

6. The second floor secret ending softlocked my game (I had already beaten Unknown at this point; also this probably shouldn't happen before getting the first floor Unknown ending although I can't test it)

7. Camping field trip is basically impossible to be consistent in, Farm field trip spawned in like 30 animals in like the third round (idk if this is intentional or not)

8. There's invisible walls in the first level now.

I'm sorry, but this update was pretty disappointing. It seemed rushed, and the game overall still suffers from a lack of identity from too many unoriginal ideas. I really like the game's art design, map design, and music, and I can tell that a lot of passion went into this, but it just needs more polish.

I beat it in 1.1 it's still possible

Sure thing! I think the maps are well designed - it didn't take very long to memorize them - it's just that their size makes level attempts quite long, causing me to dread losing far into an attempt. For a game with just 4 main levels, it isn't that big of an issue, especially since BBiEaL-type games are meant to be slow-paced, but it still adds tension that isn't related to any element of horror.

Just beat the Math Level, must say I don't really like how big the maps are but I'm really enjoying the game so far! It's awesome to finally have a completed AEwVS fangame considering AEwVS's deprecated state, so I'm really happy that I found this! Also, I noticed the Math Level theme is Gravity Break by Wrillez Basics (same artist behind the AEwVS Language theme), you should prob credit him here or in the game

A fanmade remaster of AEwVS needs to happen, I totally agree

Petition to add these into the game as posters?

Yall still alive? I really wanna hear more about this game

Lookin' forward to this!

Collect the orb that randomly appears in the basketball court in Chapter 1, then beat said chapter and then complete the Finale again

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balci in 2/7

edit: I was able to get to this balci with some parkour from that wall that lets you get out of bounds in the first place. he can't seem to be interacted with like other balcis in the game

I think I missed that, I'll look into that and will post more updates here

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First room of the section, look for a part of the wall where the texture seams. You need to use the blocks in the room after the door to get on top of that part though

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After the second notebook there's also a hidden notebook to ALT behind the wall across from the one with the door that you can get to by jumping on a very thin stuck-out part of the wall, don't think anyone else has found this yet

A short and sweet puzzle game, reminds me of Petscop with its charming retro artstyle and dark undertones

love love love love love this so much

why do 60% of my games reveal only 1 tile on the first click

Are there going to be more regular updates for this game or will LASR become the main focus?

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lol never realized it was the nessus song until now

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I found the secret basement in Floor 2 but I couldn't do anything there, also have no idea what the Strange Key is used for

Also I unlocked the secret level by answering all problems wrong but how do I play it?


Where download

This is a fangame

Glad to know development's going well!

I agree pls make controls customizable