Heya, if we wanted to bring attention to some typos, inconsistencies, and such where should we post about'em? I'll post'em here for now, but will post them where I should when am told. Hopefully it helps either way!
- Clarification on the CARCASS mechanic Headshot: does it trigger only on a naturally rolled 6, a total of exactly 6, or as long as the total is 6 or higher?
- Ammo Goblin's Vomit Bullets upgrade description shows a (6) as the effect trigger...is this supposed to be 6+, or Headshot?
- The CARCASS Tyrant's name is listed as EGIS in the book, but the icon/portrait files say AEGIS; which is right?
- Operator's Akimbo's effects are on the same line as range and tag, doesn't match with most everything else.
- Warlord's Superheated Chainblade's effects are on the same line as range and tag, doesn't match with most everything else.
- Leech's Pandemic upgrade doesn't mention what it is actually upgrade.
- Plaguelord's ACT Upgrade Vermin Form has "and and" in there.
- Chosen's Kidnap ACT says "Curset", I believe it's supposed to say "Effect".
- Vizigheist's Horrendous Shriek ACT says "Curse" where I believe it should say "Effect". Addditionally, the Condemn upgrade simply says "Shriek" when it probably should say "Horrendous Shriek."
- Dark Priest's ACT Upgrade Frozen Hell just goes right into what it does, but I believe it's supposed to say "Effect:".
- Zealot's trait Zealotry says "When MOVEing again...", but doesn't specify just every single turn after, or on the same turn, and the Smite ACT is missing the "Effect:" before the start of it's effects.
- Inquisitor's unit art and portrait are named as Exorcist.
- Exorcist's Starmetal Godsword's effects are on the same line as range and tag, doesn't match with most everything else.
- Overall there' a lot of capitalization inconsistency in the following (but not limited to) locations:
- Ammo Goblin's "Vomit Bullets" upgrade description
- Operator's ACT Upgrades "Grenade jump", "LV4 living cannon", "SG88 two barrel shotgun", and SOUL Upgrade "Bullet hustle"
- Rotten's "Catalyze" upgrade description
- Leech's "Massive Swell" upgrade description
- Host's "Swarm release" trait
- Plaguelord's Bonus Trait "Pollution shroud"
- Banshee's "Bale scream" ACT
- Zealot's "Punisher" and "Fiery Chain" upgrade descriptions
- Antipriest's "Cleansing Prayer" description
- Holy Body's "Miraculous flesh" trait
- Stitch's "Genestealer", "Spread Mutate", and "Warping Mutate" upgrade descriptions
- Homonculus's "Absorb" ACT description, "Meld" upgrade description, and "Form Carapace" upgrade description.