Really impressive atmosphere, the social commentary/parody gives me GTA (positive connotation.) Sadly, I was trying the porn studio plotline and it glitched out two attempts in a row. I'm guessing you're not updating the game further at this point, but I wanted to say that it was QUITE a vibe for the most part. Horrible to look at, listen to, and think about. Great work!
EDIT: went back and finished aaaaall the threads. Kinda obsessed, tbh. Any more projects on the way?
That's the neat part-you don't! The only completion of that thread (to the best of my knowledge) is taking the raid yourself. The roach is just there to give you a hint about the thread. And that's not technically necessary either. Raid was the first thread I finished, and I found the roach while I was working on my seventh one lol