On the other hand, what else could the hero have done? The dark queen could not change. And it's implied that the dark queen is causing people and/or the world some amount of harm that makes it worth stopping her.
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That's the neat part-you don't! The only completion of that thread (to the best of my knowledge) is taking the raid yourself. The roach is just there to give you a hint about the thread. And that's not technically necessary either. Raid was the first thread I finished, and I found the roach while I was working on my seventh one lol
There are essentially 12 "endings," and you could beat any of them in under 10 minutes if you knew the exact course of events. Buuut part of the fun is not being sure of how to progress and messing with things to find your next clue.
I got all twelve endings in three to five hours, and I got them all in two sittings. The only thing that slowed me down too much was that one mission glitched out on me.
Really impressive atmosphere, the social commentary/parody gives me GTA (positive connotation.) Sadly, I was trying the porn studio plotline and it glitched out two attempts in a row. I'm guessing you're not updating the game further at this point, but I wanted to say that it was QUITE a vibe for the most part. Horrible to look at, listen to, and think about. Great work!
EDIT: went back and finished aaaaall the threads. Kinda obsessed, tbh. Any more projects on the way?
Very damn good character models, atmosphere, and retro je ne sais quois. I would love to see a more built-out survival horror from you. More of those old school puzzles (dumb ones AND smart ones,) more of whatever plot you go for, and a bit more time to refine collision systems, weapon feel, and so forth.
Also found a gamebreaker tho, which meant I couldn't finish it. I'll likely give it another crack soon
There is a perfectly main-character sized pothole on the right side of the concrete before the (I'm guessing) final cave, I ran into it and got very extremely stuck.