Hey! I apologize it's been a long time since my last reply, been really busy these past days 😔
I finally had time to upload my gameplay! You did an amazing job on the game I truly enjoyed it! I loved the whole concept and the visuals bring it together well. I was expecting more houses to take photos of but I guess you can always expand the game.
Also I appreciate the kind words you placed into the game! 🥰 At first I assumed the game read the player's PC user to break the '4th wall' but I checked other gameplay videos and that wasn't the case 🤭
The ending had a nice twist! It reminded me of an old game called Moirai. This kind of ending leave so many posibilities to be done but it gets quite complex since you would need a server for other people to get involved into.
Anyways, thank you again and keep up the good work!! ❤️