I was really excited to play this once I heard of it, it's a really rad concept! The layout is very lovely, and hits the vibes incredibly well! Very nice job on translating survival horror into a solo TTRPG! I love the inventory system especially, here.
Always a fan of body horror too :)
Couple questions!
1- I'm not sure exactly how CONTINUE works? Like, when you enter a PLACE, you roll to see if THEY appear. This implies that if THEY don't...that I can move to explore more PLACES until THEY appear, is that correct?
Or am I supposed to like, face THEM again after I finish with a PLACE, even if the roll didn't have THEM appear?
2- If THEY appear when entering a PLACE, does that cancel whatever would've happened in that PLACE?
3- When it comes to inventory items, what happens when they're used? Like, do they go back into the stack or are they gone forever? Like...is there a limited amount of each item for the entirety of the game?
4- Similarly, does the LODGE have limited stock?
5- Are PLACES limited, too? If you manage to, say, find all 7 LODGES before you get the COMPASS, do you never find them again? LOCKED DOORS especially-- as you need exactly 7 for the escape, and there are 7 tokens total. Is escape not possible if you lose a single LOCKED DOOR?
6- Do KEYS take inventory slots? Or do we just write them down?
As a note of feedback, if I may-- I think there's something really cool here that I'd love to play, but I can't help but feel as if I only have like...70% of the rules? If that makes sense? There are significant gaps where rules are not wholly explained or elaborated on that left me confused-- a few were answered by other comments here, and I asked the big ones I had above.
Like it's clear you're cooking something great here but like, it's just not all written down. I don't know if I actually played the cool thing you made correctly! I want to play the way you intended!
Either way I wanna see you continue to make cool stuff! And, you made me realize a Very Smart thing for one of my WIPs-- the size you printed the inventory tokens at gives a wide margin so that even if they're not cut to atom-precision-- they still fit in inventory slots! Smart!
I would totally have made the cutouts for my WIP too big if I hadn't gotten to see how someone else handled theirs first! Thanks!