Am also playing on windows and can confirm all of these bugs occurring for me. While the skills worked fine in the Rave vs Korsch fight, but upon moving into the forest area and trying to use them in the fights against random mobs the game would immediately crash. Not sure what the problem is...kind of strange to me that they worked in one battle but didn't in another.
Also, just some QoL improvements if I may suggest them. It would be nice if we had an option to map movement to the arrow keys instead of WASD, as I'm on a laptop and using WASD to move is annoying on my tiny keyboard. :P
Some sort of function where it would remember my settings for volume and etc. would be nice too. For whatever reason the base music/SFX comes in quite loud whenever I start the game and I always have to turn it down.
Otherwise cute game, cute characters. I can see this having potential. I'm interested in playing from the role of the other two characters too as the dragon fella B' struck me as rather cute.
The little tufts of grass where you encounter monsters also give me Pokemon vibes, which isn't a bad thing. :P