Hey! Playing games for the finish your game jam, and wanted to leave some feedback.
I think you've got a really cool ominous feeling game! The vibe is all there, creepy house, ominous storm, strange furnishings. I also like the dedication to the control scheme. It helps the game feel oppressive by not letting you see all of the things you want to.
I personally was a bit let down by the conclusion though.
Spoilers ahead!
After exploring, you are brought into a strange conversation with the owner of the house, and you have no agency in the dialogue. It feels like it takes forever and doesn't end in a satisfying way. I think that some of the elements in that ending could be introduced better into the exploration of the house, and having the player play a larger role in the narrative allows it to keep the horror feel.
End Spoilers!
I do think you've got something here! I hope you keep at it!