Owww, thank you. I think audiences have the freedom to give any feedback on a game, critical comments can let developers know how to improve, while praise can support them to keep going.
I've seen you play a lot of games that are still in the demo phase! Indeed, I share the same sentiment. When looking for games, I always want to find those that are finely crafted and already complete, but in reality, it's not easy to even get them published, let alone finish them. Therefore, I almost admire every game jam entry, as they are actually the result of the maximum effort made by one or more people in a short period of time, which is admirable. Especially since most of these efforts are often unrewarded. The success of a game is often a combination of the right timing, place, and people, and most indie games, if they don't happen to go viral, might go bankrupt or struggle to survive. So I understand those who don't continue. (In fact, the easiest to go viral are often NSFW games?)
This game was not actually made for a jam, but was released during that period. I definitely have the intention to finish it and get it on the shelves. For me, making games is more like my dream and a way to achieve a sense of accomplishment, so I always hope to do things to the best of my ability!
Thank you again for your comment (〃'▽'〃) As I said before, I always think it's better to leave a comment than to leave nothing at all, so I'm also very happy that you're willing to spend time writing down your thoughts and playing the game! It's meaningful.