Thanks for the feedback :D
I have Roadwarden but haven't gotten to play it, I will need to do so when I have the chance xD
Figuring out how to balance the scope is the next step, for sure.
The first person thing allowed me to have fourth wall breaking with the narration and keep the narrator entertaining without much effort. But yes, her being super graphic with her experiences is part of the type of person she grows to be :p
I had considerations that story can still end up with her like... enslaved for rest of her life and then someone would ask 'Wait, but you are not a slave now?' and she would just shrug and make up some excuse that would reinforce she likes to lie and exaggerate.
But if I continue on, I will probably not use this framework, there is a lot of issues with the past/present/future tenses and the convolutions of her external knowledge regarding situations she wasn't present for.
The exploration of events is definitely a thing I considered for the full game. Already some people are just so lucky they can't fail and complain about it xD
For now there is a cheat to hold ctrl+shift when clicking to accept a roll. That will make it proceed with the opposite result.
I wish to finish this one since I believe in the concept, but I need to sort a few other things out first.