Really beautiful game that pretends to be chess but is totally something different. I really liked the player abusing the rules and being able to just kill everything around me off turn, it was like I was using some chess logic but playing a more actiony game. The game looks amazing, all the enemy pieces are creepy and seeing your dead pieces around as you march forward and wipe out all the enemies is fantastic. The enemy AI didn't work well for me. It often lead me on wild goose chases that ended in nothing because I'm movement limited. This was a bigger issue at the end when I faced a queen and it just camped a location I can't get close to but that blocks me from winning the game and moves random other pieces in the back. I'm sure the game is winnable but maybe requires more chess knowledge than I have or luck. It might work better if the queen played badly or ignored the pieces in the back. I ran the game like 6 times and got trapped in an unwinnable situation every time (I tried going back and wiping out every other piece but some could always avoid me). Maybe there is a secret or trick I missed and admittedly I'm real bad at chess so maybe there is trap style or body positioning I'm not understanding. Either way the story is cool and creepy and I really liked it. The use of light as a timer is great as is all the lighting in this game, gloomy and dark while still maintaining visibility, I've seen AAA games that mess that up and you did it perfectly and the sound is nice. I love my enemy's creepy hand and the the glowing Latin scrolls. Beautiful game, cool premise, and a good story. Really a great chunk of work.