Thank we had a bunch of fun in making it, glad you enjoyed! Funny enough the saving body parts is totally accidental, we didn't have time to really debug restart states and a bunch of objects persisted in ways we didn't really expect. I think it would be nice if it carried over but if you complete the game and restart it locks in some weird ways, I think dying and restarting did end up working as you noticed.
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I didn't even think of the Dethklok link, but I love that series and the influence is totally there. We were definitely aiming for a grind house vibe. I agree on asset differentiation we were planning to do more with lighting but ran out of time so a lot of the stuff we were going to sell with shadows didn't really end up there. Glad you enjoyed it!
Pretty cool start. The map is nice: good complexity lots, of features nice sky box, The 3d models are really cool. The colliders are bit weird what with the face? being the pick up collider and the mouse should probably be locked as it was moving around a lot for me which made it hard to control. The jumping feels pretty good and the style is definitely there. This is a cool concept and the game is pretty good looking.
Cute game reminds me a lot of super meat boy. Echolocation was cool though I kind of wish it was used slightly more, not sure how though. The art style is delightful kind of reminds me of some kind of 90s cartoon like Ren and Stimpy. The sound was good, meaty and responsive. The platforming was pretty good. It looks like in your web build you fixed most of the things I'd complain about (too zoomed out, a couple really tight jumps etc, though you can't get to the boss in the web build). My only major complaint is that if you have your joystick down at all you'll go through a platform which killed me more than a few times also a couple of the platform colliders were a bit slippery which lead me falling off. I didn't beat the game, the boss was too hard, but that was my weakness. Also some music would be nice. But overall, a lovely, polished, great feeling game!
Pretty amazing almost an Imm simm made in only a month. Love the mind control powers and stealth gameplay. Being able to poke in people's brains and erase you crimes and send them at each other is so clever. I feel like the trance thing might be framerate uncapped though because it was so fast for me I was basically RNGing that thing. The sound is fun though obviously a little weird. The animations are great and quirky. I love the art style too kind of like early NWN stuff. Also great job with a mirror in the bear room that was impressive. The VO and music at the end are great. Really hard to put my finger on it but playing this game made me happy in the way that the earl Deus Ex games made me happy. Just silly fun that ripples out in weird and wild ways.
This game was a delight. The oujia thing might be the cleverest and funniest shit I have seen in a game in a while. The extremely haunted graveyard filled with absurd amount of skeletons who boogie down when they swing at me is great. This game looks really good, the game play has some great fun elements and there is definitely a good energy in what is there. Obviously not quite finished. Some thoughts on what is there: I wouldn't have bags as background items, I didn't realize they were ammo later because I already tried interacting with them. The skeleton respawning is aggressive. Given the player speed and the fact the gun is ranged I often kited and this lead to dozens of skeletons respawning and me dying. Also if I visited the basement they'd respawn. The game play feel is really good, the speed rocks, the gunplay feels good. I'd like a hit indicator. Overall this project has a lot of passion and fun and cleverness in it. I'd love to see a more polished and fleshed out version.
Really pretty game, I love the minimalist art style, the character models are cool and the particle human enemy is great. I love the hidden information concept and using a ping that risks ire of the enemies. I think the jumping is a little imprecise and I often found myself falling to my death when I thought I made it, not sure how to fix that, just something I noticed. Also the lack of a damage indicator lead to a few confusing deaths. The gun could also be a bit 'meatier' in it's shots right now it felt kind of weak. The music is great, very cypberpunky and the sounds that are there are pretty good. The plot seems interesting but there are a lot of words. The game feel (speed jumpness animations) are all really good and I think with a little polish it could be a fun game. This is a lot to get working in 3D in only a month great job!
I like the idea and the themeing. God games are an underexplored genre these days and you've got some good ideas. The start is a bit slow, could probably be a lot faster. But it's clearly got a broad scope and some interesting ideas and I dig the ambition. The 3d assets are nice, I like the statue and goats in particular. The followers could be a little more visible as I often lost track of them. There are some cool ideas here and villagers with this level of AI pathing is pretty impressive in a week.
Wow absolutely massive game. I got to fixing the bike and could see there was a ton laid before me, really impressive getting so much out in just a month. The art is lovely and consistent. The gameplay seems to have a lot but it is slow. The game play could be like 3x faster. The bike is cool. I think the menus are lovely and the sound is great on them but there are kind of menus everywhere with no quick bypasses. I'd recommend making the main action the default and any other option a secondary button. What you made here is really impressive it's a huge world and a ton of work and I really wanted to dive in and spend a lot of time with it but it had some friction. Overall really impressive game and with a little polish could be a real joy.
Reminded me a lot of Viscera Cleaner. Fun concept and you kept it nice and chill. The graphics are unreal, I don't know if you made, found, or assembled these but the level of detail is out of this world prettiest game I've seen in this jam. The house was well arranged and interesting, really got a vibe for this guy's lifestyle. The voice acting was nice and the cricket sound was ok, would have loves some more movement sounds like steps or breathing or scrubbing. I loved the ragdoll on the guy I wanted to lug him around and throw him off more things. Sheer comedy. The UI was great and the guy's voice acting was pretty good. The game is massive, not a complaint just an observation, if you do more stuff with the outside in the future you might want to cull some of it because my sytem was chugging when I was out there. In the house was fine though. Would have liked a little more for the cleaning like having to wash the sponge or turn on lights to check out rooms Overall a really pretty solid absolutely gorgrous chill game.
I beat the game. The art and animation are pretty solid, clean and fit theme well. The tileset is a little sparsely used. The jump mechanics were a bit rough, very Castlevania, fixed width jumps with no air control which made for a very punishing platformer. The biggest flaw in the game were the enemy hitboxes, they were really quite large I'd often get hit by enemies above me or who hadn't yet touched me. I think the sword mechanic is cool but I don't think death after the last use is a good approach, I think it would be better if you gave an indicator and let the player try to make the rest of the level without it. Music and sound were cool but I wished there was a little more sound and that the music didn't start fresh each level as the few times I let it play it got pretty cool. It is a really lovely game and the visuals show a lot of care.
Absolute vibes. The clicky sound, punchy music, catty blog post in horrible fonts. The whole thing is just totally vibing. I was not expecting it to be this fun. I did get stuck somewhere halfway through which was a bummer but really this just delivers on a feel with such a simple game design and graphics. Reminds me of the menus in Persona games, just so cool it makes something seemingly banal super fun.
Note to anyone downloading this on windows, Godot exe sometimes flags windows alert, game seems safe to me. Note to game maker: you might consider web-building Godot games as they tend to flag on windows sometimes.
Cute little platformer, love the cat spire and it's got a decent run cycle. The central premise is pretty cool too, finding ingredients which also give you abilities to move. I think it's a little punishing to spend ingredients for powers, maybe the spend rate could be a little lower? I liked the cat ghost and the descriptions in the guidebook were pretty nice. The platforming probably was a little floaty and overly precise more speed, wider platforms would probably be an improvement and a little platform stick. Sprite work and tileset are good. Overall I can see a lot of love here and a lot of ambition and complexity in design.
Played it a bit got to the locked box, tried the combo from the fingers which didn't seem to work. Overall a lovely game the sounds and lighting and limited sight lines are great. That being said it also makes it super hard to solve the puzzles and stuff as I can't see or navigate very well. Also the slow move speed is nice but after a while it got kind of boring. Given that a lot of the sound effects play at specific locations, I think this hurt the game. I think horror works by escalation and dies by repetition the first half the game had escalation in droves. I was sweating and I almost never get rattled in a horror game. But once it became a blind hunt the escalation turned to repetition and I kind of fell off. I even reopened the game to check the original hands. But the sound work is stellar, the art is great though occasionally a little more creepy pasta than scary. The gallery is well made and the 3d art works are lovely. Definitely has a lot of really good things going for it.
You've got some some dope ideas here. Any game that lets you shape spells and stuff has my vote. I think you should have started with more unlocked to let us mess with it for the demo. The art style is cute, nice and simple but colorful and pleasant. I like the mix of offense and defense spells, though eventually I figured out spamming travelling wall was my top strat. The sound is good though the music while good is kind of all over the place. I'd say don't use invisible walls, that almost always makes games worse, block the are with trees or something. Also the RTS mode confuses me, why is that there. But this is a pretty impressive showing for only a month, a pretty lovely 3d little town and a cool spell and combat mechanic. I could see this growing into a pretty fun wizard game.
Love the weird premise for the game, teleporting to levels is kind of neat, not sure how exactly it works despite the directions. The platforming was a little too hard for me. The art style is weird and quirky kind of Robloxish, it's pretty delightful as are all the weird sound effects. It feels like a really complex game but the core wasn't quite tight enough for me to get through it. Pretty massive game though.
Really cool premise for a game, low range of visibility with the ability to temporarily decloak enemies that drains over time. Almost reminds me of a submarine game or something. Sound effects are on point and the core gameplay is fun. The restart time is probably too long given how fast you die. Also as mentioned 1 life is very low for a bullet hell this hard especially given the invisibility mechanics and how big the player ship is. Pretty game and a neat premise though so I dig it.
Played it through to the end. You captured the obliviion look and feel almost perfectly. I like the idea of low/no combat games and the style fits the kind of simplified conversation style well. The walking sounds were a little loud relative to the music and I'll echo what everyone else said, lock/hide the mouse and the FOV is way way too close in. I think the FOV might be good for conversations but for exploring it felt rough. I did see the lady in red which seems like a luck thing and chased her down. The bones of a really neat experience are here and it looks and sounds really good.
Used your directions in the comments to build and run the game. You might consider moving that to the game description.
Overall some good ideas kind of reminds me of a early build of Hotline Miami.
It's obviously somewhat unfinished but there are some really cool elements. What I liked:
- Destructible Environments. I love being able to shoot through stuff.
- The blood splatter effects. Really fun, dynamic blood splatter is hype.
- Map complexity the maps feel big and neat with lots of secrets and side passages.
- Gun sound efffects.
What I thought was kind of a miss
- Timer, I feel like the maps are so big and interesting it felt frustrating to be pushed along by a timer.
- Enemy density, the enemies are far too numerous and too dangerous. I'd dramatically lower that.
- Background complexity, it was hard to read what was going on over some of the assets while running through levels. Also by how the camera follow worked the colors kind of made my eyes hurt.
- Inconsistently destructive environments, it was never clear what could and could not be destroyed.
I think there are some good bones there, the core gameplay loop is a little rough rn, not sure if that's because the enemies are slightly too good or I have to be too precise in my hits or there are too many enemies. But I like what's there and its clear there was a ton put into this for only one month.
Beautiful game. I love the old style graphics and enemies and camera effect. The combat feels good if not a little simple, I kited my way through all encounters. The level textures could have used a little more as I constantly felt slightly lost. I enjoyed the sound a lot the walking sound was great and the attack sounds were good, the music was fun and swapping music during combat was fun. The overall movement pace felt good, not too fast not too slow. I picked up an electronics thing? That couldn't attack well and I managed to swap back to the sword but could never get back to the object. Also I found if you hit 'T' you go into some weird mode, I think I messed with that too much and lost the ability to attack and then died. Overall a really solid game, huge levels, fun combat.
Cute and super cozy game, had a lot of fun diving into these people's lives. The little stories and how you solve them is a lot of fun. I like the soft choices throughout the game, not too impactful but impactful enough. I hit the end of game bug and got past it with the book. I found all the numbers for grandma's safe but had to check your source code for what to do with them, I had tried entering them etc. Also the inside was a little confusing tho I think it ties into to what the mask man tells me if I accuse him. The artwork is fantastic, really professional, clean and consistent. I am not totally sure what I was supposed to do with the book prices. Also if you reload a failed day it resets all the books as if you hadn't hit the supplier which lead to me hitting a few misses. The music was nice and all the sound gave it a clean cozy vibe. The humor around the characters was a lot of fun and reminded me a lot of the good and bad of retail. Overall a really nice game. Surprisingly long, intricate and detailed for a month long game.
Wow! that was amazing. Definitely feels like a spiritual cousin to Wizard of Legend. The animations were fantastic the characters movements made me so happy. The enemies were all super cute and fun to fight, the bullet hell aspect was hard but never overwhelming. The SFX was absolutely unreal, from the weapon sounds being a mix of weird sounds from instrument notes to explosions, the subtle character tap with walk, the music rising with the boss fights, the fade out on hit. I've seen AAA games with less good sound design. Also the game is just beautiful from the lighting to the particle effects to the subtle camera stick and follow. The staves were all amazing and the variety is insane, I found like 5 but I suspect there are more? I have no idea how you got this all done in a month.
My only nitpick is it felt like the staff durability fell really fast and you couldn't swap back to an old staff or pick which staff was the 'lead' when picking up a new one (tho maybe there was and I missed it) which made exploring seem kind of punishing, especially if you had a really good staff. Though the variety of staves made it kind of worth it. Anyways, amazing game, fantastic core gameplay loop, amazing game making instincts, and so much content, this almost feels like a real game.
A lot of clever ideas in this game. The chalk is really powerful and a super cool game mechanic, I'd have loved to the game lean into that. I liked so much so that I literally restarted until I got it at start and I was bummed when it faded all the way, though a little fading was good. I got the key and then wasn't sure what to do. The game is really hard as it is now. I kept getting killed by floor traps and skeletons and those felt super hard to avoid. I liked the music that was in it, would have liked if it looped. The idea is pretty cool labyrinth games are often dope and one where you only can run is fun. It would have been nice if you could trick enemies into hazards or something. I like what is there it's got some decent bones. Also speed items underutilized so that was cool.
Great artstyle super pretty game. The idea of photo jumping is a cool one and I dug the music a lot. The artstyle and minimal but effective animations really reminded me of Phoenix Wright but with a more like minimalist vibe. Sound served it's purpose. I ran into the same bug everyone else did on the final scene but then used the code to finish the game. Nice ending, was cool to the have the Lucas side plot wrapped up. I would have liked a slightly deeper story but it fit well and the clues made sense and I'm glad it finished well. Really nice clean VN/detective game in Godot.
I like the idea but man this AI was pretty confused. By the end it wasn't clear it knw who it was. None of the terms it used was googleable and it said I was right than changed it's mind. It seems to do particularly badly with open-ended questions. Again really cool concept but might need to bake a few years to get a stronger LLM behind it or one that is more grounded in facts. This one seems a touch too willing to hallucinate. Maybe it needs a much larger amount of details or more aggressive system prompt. New stuff is always hard so hats off to you. The sound is nice and the chat screen is a nice straightforward way to handle it but obviously more would be cool.
What a delight. The animations are absolutely fantastic. I love the walk and the jump and just watching a car throw itself around a level clearly not build for cars is fantastic. I also love the long view some of the levels offer, so few stealth games let you look out at everyone's light cones and just pick which way to go. The levels are fun and well laid out with multiple routes and really good reuse of simple clean assets. I found the music to be nice but a little bit grating over time. A little noise to the car and guard would have been cool. I liked the two powers the light was a nice get out of free or punch through an issue card, so many stealth games would benefit from something like that. Also not being detected when not moving is clever. I really had fun with it and was sad it ended. Great job!
What a great game. I love games that turn the desktop into a play space. The puzzle with the virus scanner was great probably my favorite. The graphics were cute, clean and simple, sold the story well. The sound effects were all solid and had enough meat to sell the game. I really appreciated the puzzle design, it felt just hard enough that I had to think but nothing felt undiscoverable. The nitpick I could think of was that letter hunting felt a little underwhelming for all the tools you had set up but scope management is key and you look like you kept your scope perfectly. I appreciated all the little QOL features, like the return to home, everything you need having strong color to stand out from the background etc. Overall just a really clean, enjoyable experience.
Great chill game graphics kind of reminds me of Shelter. The game play and music kind of reminds me of Everything. It was fun to have to figure out what to do as each animal and grow accustomed to it. Gameplay was smooth, sound was great and the vibe was immaculate. Super polished and well made. I can't even think of anything I'd improve, just a cool concept fantastically executed.
Really fun deck builder style game. I sort of fell for the trap of growing my deck big which I think is a bit of a trap. Also the use of light and shapes is really strong and hides the minimalist animation really well. The whole game has a really strong grim vibe. The secret cards are kind of fun, high risk high reward. Sometimes it did feel like my runs were dependent on those. Also the tutorial is fantastic, so few games have them and a game this complicated needs on and that told me all I needed to know without belaboring the point. Really good interactive tutorial. Really enjoyable game.
Fun premise for a game and the box shooting was super cool. The graphics were nice and consistent and I liked all the house ideas. I completed like four of them before dipping out. I think the car driving is a bit slow or maybe imprecise or not bouncy enough. It felt like an RC car where I was having to back up a lot, maybe if I bounce back from hitting a pole or could turn more tightly, it felt like I was having to drive very slowly to get where I needed to go. Also maybe something to do with the box shooter on the way, I really enjoyed shooting boxes at things it felt underused to only use it at the end. The sound effects were nice I really liked the box shooting and the reward sound. The music was nice and airy. Overall a nice presentation and some really fun ideas inside it.
Web builds definitely have an advantage in jams. So do games with really strong cover art.
But if you've got neither of those and you think you have something worth checking out, you should definitely participate in rating for rating threads. Also good idea to go check out other people's games and let them know what you think. It's a ton of fun to see how other people approached the same problems you did and its fun to engage with a community of other devs. In addition, it probably also helps you get more back reviews, I know personally I go and check out and review anyone who hits up my game. Not everyone does that, but there is a pretty strong correlation with people you see in the comments of a lot of games and people who get a lot of reviews.
I think what you are fighting against in a game jam, especially a huge one like this is there is going to be a massive range of games some of which are not even playable. You have to give people a reason yours is worth checking out. (Especially since ratings are correctly hidden until the end people will be looking at proxy measures) I know I'm much more likely to grab games from the discord/ratings threads or that I see active in comments because there is a better chance they will have a playable build somewhere for me to check out or that the devs believe in their work. Unfortunately, a lot of hidden gems get lost this way, but that's the nature of a huge jam like this.
Wow impressive to see a game this polished. The 3D work is lovely and all meshes together prefect. The animations and sounds are a great combination. Overall, looks, sounds and feels great. Only issue I had was the camera mode was a little wonky, I felt like I was constantly holding space to figure out what was around me. I ended up making it to the second level where I couldn't find my way out. Also the addition of mulitplayer is awesome. The music is nice and pleasant too. Really impressive game for a month long game jam.
Super cute and surprisingly tricky to play The impacts felt good. I felt by the end I was a little over-reliant on shockwave as the pineapples could swing out a little fast for me. Also maybe throwing could do more incidental damage. I'm pretty bad at this type of game so I can't say. But this is a great party game with a fantastic vibe and really clean audio, physics, and some great jazz.
Super clever idea the idea of jumping from person to person to solve puzzles is a lot of fun. The post processing was a little strong and the camera angle kind of messed with my eyes so I couldn't play too long. I found a Wizard with tons of movement which was cool, little things like that that flip the game play around are fun. I think a little sound would help make the thing more chill. It was a lovely game the assets are great. The camera feels a little off but I can't really quite say why, maybe if the trees could be made slightly transparent when behind them. A few more sound/visual effect to understand when someone is moving/teleporting would be nice. It's a really ambitious idea and a super innovate approach.
Thanks! We had a lot of fun with the references and yea the duality was really what we were going for glad it conveyed. We noticed that villager thing happening and wondered if someone could get locked there. Good to know that is a potential problem. The enemy AI was kind of a mess so it was hard to figure out exactly what of the several moving parts could trigger that without putting the enemies pretty far out. But that is something we did want to fix and it's good to know it could be game breaking!
Fun monster in the wood style game. The enemy design is a lot of fun and the forest is well made. I managed to complete the game by forcing the enemy to despawn twice (maybe he's supposed to if he loses LOS or on stairs?). Then escaped him while he glitched out on me (I think he thought he hit me) I think you bit off a huge idea with this piece and you managed to lay down a lot in one month. I think at the core this is a fun game and a fun game concept, reminds me a little of like Alien Isolation or Dead Space. Some thoughts on how it could be improved- Let the player outpace the enemy a little better or make it clear how I can despawn him. As it stands he always wins on straightaways and it means I'm always kind of losing. Trust you players more, you set the trees up as one big collider but I think a game like this would be way more fun if you let people run through the woods instead of only on predefined paths. Also why did I have green lighter? What does this do? I couldn't interact with the gas cans or shotgun. It would have been cool if I could force despawns with those (like Alien isolation). Also minor nitpick but lock the mouse to the application I was playing on two screens and my mouse kept escaping. Obviously a little more plot wouldn't hurt. The sound was good, the enemy looked cool, and the layout was pretty nice. I think this is a pile of work for a one month game and 3D games are brutally hard so good job on what is there.
Haha that was great, the art was fantastic and I love the simple premise. It seems like it runs into the issue that binary search is pretty much always going to win optimally unless enemies intentionally pick values to foil that. (I think one of my enemies uses binary search which was fun to try to counter). Also the game pops up real big on my screen and the text got like pixelated, not sure what happened there I'm on 1920x1080. I won on my first go round, I love the attitudes on the enemies. Would have been cool to have music or sound even a little. Straighforward games done well are always excellent