After playing a buncha different SQ remakes and lamenting their poor quality I came across yours and I feel like this is close to being the "AM2R" of SQ remakes. It has all the QoL things most other hacks/remakes have like saves, more forgiving difficulty and gold as currency but with original art, actual re-imagined level design and I noticed you're even using Optomon's music from "Castlevania Bloodlust"! And it makes perfect sense considering the quality, this may as well be in spirit what that project was trying to be.
I was really, REALLY enjoying this, especially the new set pieces you've constructed to just make things make things less obscure and for new content like the Axe! but a buncha bugs hindered and eventually killed my playthru.
One bug was around the Aljiba Church segment I seemed to trigger an invincible state where I couldn't be killed at all, even from pits. Once after buying the Laurel and once after using the Garlic in the church. Reloading from the title screen solved it
Also after this going back to Aljiba the whole game started chugging, going very slow till I exited the town.
The big one was a full on crash in the "Lost Castle"(?) the dungeon under Yuba Lake. After finally conquering that very tough stretch of platforming with the red skeletons and the balloon pods I was rewarded with a crash to desktop😭:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object lighting_cont:
Variable create_boss_light_obj.draw_rady(100848, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_lighting_cont_Draw_0
gml_Object_lighting_cont_Draw_0 (line -1)
That's all I got for now. I'll be looking forward to more updates :D!!
Edit: Other things I want to mention, the method to stair climbing messes with my muscle memory horribly and lead to a lot of frustration in general, I hope you'll consider making them behave more like they traditionally do.