Good lord, I just realized that I just beat KTL the 12 time!
:0 wow I think I’ve beaten it once but idk
I've bettin the game 35 times
Ive beaten it 58 times......Playing ktl for 4 years... this is the result...And btw, did moss-shadow become live few days ago?
i've beaten it more than that.. and more than the person who said 35 :,)
....I really don't know what to say, HOW LONG HAVE YOU PLAYED!!!!!!
almost a year, i think ^^
🤯 I've only played for 6 months!
Nice! Good to see a fellow long time player who has batten the game more than once!
ive played more than that i started from when nala was on scratch i hate scratch and now they banned me for supporting nala. wth
same for me lol
too bad
I’ve beaten the game like 17 times playing it for the last three days
Guys quick hack, Name your cat Sliver not Silver kit female and the cat with the one ear for a hack