From the looks of it, this can't be 0.72. Buba, the quest bunny NPC, only sells Empty Bottles as placeholder in public build 0.19, because the rest of the build is blocked off til 0.20. Also, in the screenshot you posted, there's the green dinosaur NPC between Buba's and Lior's booth that Spedumon specifically added to the public build to explain the differences between the upcomming public builds, while in the Patreon version that NPC doesn't exist. Also, you seem to have loaded the prepackaged save file that came with the version you downloaded instead. I make those save files for each update so people don't have to start from scratch again in case their old save files won't work anymore (which used to happen a lot in the past, because RPGMaker can mess things up like that inbetween updates). So TL;DR, it looks like you downloaded the wrong version. Check Spedu's pinned post on Patreon for the latest update. If your save files won't work with the newer update, then I'm afraid you either have to start a new game, or use one of the prepackaged save files.
0.72 is the most recent version, if you're a Wulfrick-tier supporter