Things are really behind here on Itch. BabysWithRabys Patreon Page was down for review the last time I checked it a while back but it's back up now. It shows DDL Version 0.053 was released Nov 26, 2023 With DDL Version 0.054 released Dec 8, 2023. That WAS a good sign. Less than a month from one update to the next showed promise but we all know life can get in the way of progress. I just hope BWR is well and able to get back to use on the game status and possible update release(s) in the near future. Since many creators need time off to rejuvenate and freshen their minds and creativity I suspect it is reasonable to expect BWR to need the same time off but most don't take a year off unless something really heavy happened to them.
I extend my best wishes to BabysWithRabys in the hopes they are well and able to let us know how they are doing.