It is implied that the father's obsession with digging this hole, as well as the actual digging taking place, has warped and transformed the father into something unrecognizable. Somehow, he has tapped into something unnatural, and it has changed him (hell, the narrator mentions his mouth being particularly dark... he's LITERALLY eating the dirt!) You could think of it as being about a family being torn apart by a parent's addiction or chronic absence, but here the addiction is like... some kind of supernatural horror that also sends the mother into a spiral (it's mentioned that she is frequently absent, and it's implied that she abuses drugs or alcohol before the family abandons the father). The narrator's brother is more willing to go down into the hole, and he was the one who really wanted to find their father and reunite with him, while the narrator (like her mother) is more hesitant, and perhaps this desire may have led him to the same fate as the father, digging an endless hole. And because the little brother is younger, the father's digging is more 'normal' to him, while the narrator is more disturbed by it because she is old enough to remember a time before the digging. (As for the father's brother... I'm not sure.) As for why they're so big, the father mentions that humans used to be much bigger, and this desire to return to that state is part of his motivation in digging the hole. Sorry for the infodump I really love this story and it took me a few playthroughs to really get it.