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A member registered Oct 15, 2022

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I hope, despite everything, that you are alright. Ruth MacArthur meant the world to me during a time when I was swallowed by grief after losing 4 relatives and a friend in one year, drowning in an existential crisis, living in an apartment that was falling apart and poisoning us, being forced off my meds while living with psychosis, all while being scared to death that my immune disorder would fuck my life up even worse. It was a beautiful game with incredible attention to detail. Despite such a short experience, it resonated with me immensely and I'm so angry that people have squandered your art and that we live in a world that makes it next to impossible to create while laboring to just stay alive. I am incredibly grateful for what you have made, but above all, I hope that somehow, you are alright. And if you aren't, I hope that changes soon.
I hope this didn't come across as asskissing or insincere. I've been thinking about this post for a few months trying to figure if I should respond or not, and I hope I haven't made anything worse. I'm not the best at this sort of thing but I decided I should at least say something, reach out or something. Let you know that this was seen. 

I'm so sorry.

Came here after playing Ghost Story and damn, you are determined to warm my heart! Almost like... like a cookie. 

This game is incredible. Threw me curveballs left and right. Made me laugh, made me cry, made me text my dad to tell him that I love him. So glad I found this game. Well done!

Hi, I'd really love to play this game, but even when I booted it from the desktop, the frame rate was all over the place and even when I adjusted the mouse speed to as slow as possible, the camera was still whipping around crazy fast. I'm gonna chalk this one up to user error or something because the game looks amazing and I'm a die hard Terror fanatic, I just wish I could play it. :(

This game is incredibly sweet and made me feel really good <3

Thanks for getting back to me, apologies for the late reply, I tried both of those and still no change. For what it's worth, I'm running on Windows 10, x64 OS, 8gb RAM. Also tried running the game from the desktop and an external hard drive, no dice. RIP. 

(1 edit)

Maybe I'm like, doing something wrong? When I start the game, after the introduction with the nun, I just get a black screen and music. I can move around and open the inventory and even interact with characters but I can't see anything.

Edit: tried running it from the desktop and that still didn't fix anything.

I discovered this game literally the day after I got in my car in the middle of the night and drove off, hoping something horrible would happen because I didn't care if I lived or died, I just wanted it all to end. I tried to pretend the whole thing didn't happen, but I found this game by chance, played it on a whim, and it made me realize that I didn't want to die. I didn't want to leave everything behind. I just wanted my life to change. I live in a terrible apartment that's falling apart and making me sick, I dropped out of school, a friend passed away, the hot water cut out in the middle of winter and I felt like I would just... struggle for the rest of my life. But I realized that's better than giving up. If I give up, I can't change anything. And, well, my partner ended up taking a chance and is in the process of getting a new job, and if this works out, we'll probably never have to worry about money again. We're scraping by but we'll get through. Thank you for making this beautiful game.

Literally started crying from delight when I went through the exit and saw the blue and pink doors, only to turn around (realizing you are not "trapped") and see doors of every color. I love the bending of physics in this game. A wonderful and touching experience.