There is a lot going on! I thought some relaxing or slower section could make it more interesting by adding a contrast. Also some synth sound changes could spice it up even more. I like that it is kinda chaotic but at the same time it has a pattern and rhythm to it.
Friendly Music Jam 3 - Break The Rules » Entries » Waiting For The Righting Of The Gömböc Friendly Music Jam 3 - Break The Rules hosted by Gullo - December 2024
Like with crypt of the necrodancer submission by me a while back, its possible my 2nd-to-last version has the less-busy feel a bunch of raters would have preferred :) This is reminding me to package that intermediate up for Spotify and such through Distrokid and give it a main-lineup release number lol.
Gratified that you had fun.