OMG, sorry for the late reply! I just saw your message now.
Yes, Chinese will be supported! 😄 We’re planning to localize, and Chinese is definitely on the list. ❤️
We’re currently short on funds, time, and manpower, but we’re working on it step by step.
Feel free to follow us! We’ll make an announcement as soon as the localization update is ready. Hope to see you when the time comes! ◕‿◕
天啊,抱歉回复晚了! 我现在才看到你的消息。
是的,游戏会支持中文!😄 我们确实有计划进行本地化,中文也在列表中哦 ❤️
欢迎关注我们!一旦本地化更新完成,我们会第一时间宣布。 希望到时候能再见到你!◕‿◕