Alice in the Park – sigh and Abracadabra
As soon as ant walk away. And, it is, again, everything starts to seems like new and interesting to Alice. Like before this moment, she does not pay attention to the forest. And what an amazing grass is growing here! Sometime, you can see a swamp in a far. Nothing to do with this - if you do not have a friend near you, at your side - then you need to observe place around. Some wise things open for Alice. And she continues to go by little road.
But, she do not walk for a long time. As soon as little road makes a first turn. Little bridge disappears. Little road becomes looks the same for both sides. At the one side – same road, and in other side - looks same too. And, soon she see a label, sigh!
“O! Label! A table! It is written something!”, – funny way, with a voice Alice said to herself.
“It is good to go closer and see”, – for this time, she think about this. As she thinks. She does it.
Several steps forward. And she is near the sigh.
It was a wooden sigh. It was something written with some dry. It was two labels. And, one makes a sigh to one side. And another one - makes a sigh to another way. And, little forward, a little road makes a crossroads. To the left and to the right.
“I need to select a road!”, – Alice thinks. With a clever look. She wants to turn on a glasses. But, she do not find them. So, it is good to read without them. Alice thinks.
“And labels were written with some strange language. One word she understands – it is Abracadabra. To the left it was a sigh to Abracadabra. And at the right - lots of symbols and something strange. Maybe, it is someone was doing some math here. And, maybe, someone, here try to solve hard equation.”,- Alice thinks.
By the way, in a bush near, someone was doing rustle. At first, Alice does not take attention to this. Well, she was trying to understand something. What it is written there. And, next moment, she takes attention, at the rustle in the bush. And, she starts to try less understand about labels, and a sigh.
“So, what a label. Label, you know – nothing to understand here!”,- Alice says with a voice.
Someone does a rustle in a bush. And, even, it was more - someone makes a laugh. Not a loud. And it was a kind laughing. And several times Alice see someone’s eyes.
“Looks like, again, ants!”, – Alice thinks.
“Once again, ants do a jokes!”, – Alice thinks again.
But, at this time, it was a new kind of ants. A less in size. And, there were several of them. They do not go out of the the bushes. And, simply, they sit there. Sometimes, you can detect them because of rustle and kind laughing.
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.