Hi, I have some things I found while playing.
- Probably bug v.1.1.3 (uncensored) after defeating the witch the cutscene plays and after MC getting wings and dialog ends nothing happens. Game progress: 11 dmg buffs and couple defeats along the way.
- The full nelson scene with demon boss is censored for some reason.
- The collision box with slime level trap is not on it's sprite, and also one time I got apparently captured by this trap without actual animation and release prompt. So I just died after while. That happened in room with three dmg upgrades.
- Suggestion in gallery you respawn in that section instead on top of the map.
- Also when you respawn in gallery after climax, the MC gasping/moaning sound continues to play.
- The Disable UI prompt is incorrect it says press "left click" but it is right mouse button.
Otherwise very nice little game.