Cinq jours et tu nous ponds un petit bijou comme ça? Ajoute deux jours de finition et c’est prêt à mettre sur Steam!
RE; "Try never to end a turn!" — I feel like ending the turn when all enemies are stunned is a better strategy a lot of the time, to replenish mana safely instead of burning through everything while you can’t be hurt anyway. Otherwise you start a turn with bigger enemies about to attack and barely anything left to fight them. Abilities that are improved on stunned enemies alter that dynamic, though, and Taunt can really throw a wrench into your tactics if you don’t suppress it before it activates, so it’s a tricky puzzle to solve as the game progresses.
If you can get down to a single enemy, stunning it and ending turns repeatedly can let you farm blues before heading into the next fight. Though I wish we got a free recharge at the end of each stage since we already have to choose between healing and upgrades :)