Getting a whole system down to a single page is an accomplishment in itself. I like the use of the expanding/shrinking die, and combining Attributes and Equipment for rolls.
I had a little trouble grasping the example of play, and adding monsters and/or items on a page 2 might be a nice way to flesh it out.
You should really check out Soft Horizon. It ran so I could walk :)
This game definitely needs a lil expansion and clarification. The point of the example was to reiterate that you can roll more dice, which increases chances of success, but when any die rolls a 1 or 2, succeed or fail, that die drops down one die size.
Maybe more to your point, though, I didn't flesh out consequences for equipment dipping below d4. I left it open ended so that a referee could say "ok the item breaks," or "your sword is wrenched away from you and teeters on the edge of the cliff face." Which is to say equipment is a bit of a nebulous idea cloud at the moment.