This was a pretty nice and encouraging reading! I don't even know how I came to discover your game but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I have the most experience with Unity, I only used Love2D once to create a "falling sand" simulation engine. Now that I barely have time because of my job I might try this again as it can be faster than using Unity and Tiled seems better than manually assembling different prefabs together.
Are you going to do more devlogs of this game? I'm really curious about how you handle physics, entities and enemy behaviour. Is it hardcoded or some behaviour tree or state machine? I'm amazed that you made such a nice metroidvania in such little time. This gives me a lot of motivation to do gamedev again as I was having a little rough time and this really brought my hopes that I can do something pretty good with "little" if I harness my skill and have patience building my own little engine.