Absolutely brilliant system, have played it a ton and fully recommend!! As a disabled person with progressive nerve damage who loves solo RPGs, there are a lot of days where I can't safely use my hands at all, and one of my biggest fears has been getting to the point where I can't play at all anymore. Having a fun, versatile RPG I can play without the risk of hurting myself is wonderful, and it means the world to me.
I also really, really appreciate the template guide! I've been trying to learn how to make proper gamebooks without much luck finding resources, and this is a great place to start. I've got some fun ideas for supplements and I'm really excited to share them once they're put together.
(One technique I've found for if you start to feel that you've memorized the combinations a little too well is to add or subtract a certain number from your result (say, +2 for each roll, wrapping back around from the top), and from there moving on as needed to things like -2 for even results, +2 for odd results, and so on. For some people it might get a little unwieldy, but it's helped me a lot with not predicting rolls too easily.)
Thank you so much for this game, and I'll be continuing to keep my eyes peeled for any adventures and supplements I can find moving forward. :)