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(1 edit)

"The end is here..."

That's right, another anarchy boss. The final boss this time!

THE DEVOURER OF ECOSYSTEMS considers itself to be The Ultimate Being, and that nothing can stop him.

Boss behavior:

Bruh. You already know. He looks like Frakir so he HAS to take on Frakir's AI.

Just... with a few modifications.

If you successfully kill/detach ALL zooids from one of his arms,  a stronger version of that respective Anarchy boss will spawn, following with D.o.E generating a whirlpool to that respective boss's arena. After you take down that boss, you will be whirlpooled back to D.o.EThis process repeats until all five arms are destroyed. If you attempt to attack the core without destroying all five arms, you will be pushed super far away from the boss, along with the one following dialog choices:
"Not yet, kid."
"Get away from me!"
"Destroy all the arms first!"
"Trying to end it early, aren't you?"
Upon the boss spawn event:
"You don't look like an entity as strong as me... but I'm still going to destroy you regardless!"

If the player returns from Guardian Of Chaos:
"Guardian of what?"
If the player returns from Anarchy Mhajtha:
"He was just a big edgy cage."
If the player returns from Crown Of Destruction:
"More like crown of stupidity."
If the player returns from ANARCHY BUGINIS PLACEHOLDER:
"Idiotic plant..."
If the player returns from ANARCHY VAGORUS PLACEHOLDER:
"The only thing he 'chases' is his life."

However, if the arms ARE destroyed,  D.o.E will take on the shape of any of the Normal Mode Final Boss Minibosses, immediately switching to the next form after it determines that it cannot use this form to fight you anymore. Should the player take too long to kill a Sentinel, D.o.E will send in a death laser to obliterate the player. Yes, you heard me right. This fight has a time limit. The timer resets every time a Sentinel is killed, and it is not active while D.o.E is in it's first or final phase.
If the time limit kills the player:
"Looks like you took too long to kill my sentinels. Be faster next time!"
If the player successfully kills a Sentinel:
"Onto the next!"

as soon as all Sentinels are defeated, the music will change, and D.o.E will spawn back, looking exactly like it's first phase, except destroying the arms will not give you a miniboss to fight. Instead, each arm grows a Head, and becomes it's own siphonophore, doing it's best to help D.o.E destroy you, which means no being whirlpooled to random arenas in this phase. 
If the player destroys an arm:
"Did you expect to be teleported away? NOT THIS TIME!"
At the very beginning of this phase:
"It's not over yet! TIME TO DIE!"
When an arm is destroyed while it's detached from the boss:

If the boss detects that the player has exited the game at this point, upon coming back, The following messages will appear in the center of the screen in order:

"So you're too weak to fight my final form?"
"Or are you just trying to win no matter the risk?"
"Or is it both? Or do i even give an F?"
"As punishment for trying to cheat..."
"Let's just say check your save file."
If the player actually did what he was told, more messages:
"I'm surprised you listened to me."
"That's right, your save file is GONE!" *The file would of already been deleted*
 If the player has not unlocked any breeds other than Advena:
"How did you even get this far with just an alien invader!?"
If the player has unlocked EVERY breed:
"Oh wow. Your power was strong, but not strong enough to match mine!"
If else:
"Hmm. I can see why you quitted out, but I don't want to make your heart explode from embarrassment, because otherwise, we'd never fight again!"
After that:
If the game detects that the user is a known YTer: (okay now we're breaking the fourth wall)
"Yeah, yeah, go on, put me online, I don't care that much about such a thing."

Anyway, If the player has not encountered the dialog at this point, AND all arms are dead, including after they detach:
"Alright, fine. Take your reward." The boss would self destruct right after saying this line.
If the player had jumped straight to Anarchy without completing Normal first:
"I cannot fully go over how hard it was to beat me without training yourself on Frakir."
"Or did you just follow a stupid tutorial?"
"Either way, take your reward..." The game would then proceed to give you EVERY SINGLE ZOOID.
But, if the player already has every zooid:
"Either way, take your re- Wait... You already have everything!!! Why are you even here!?!?" The boss would then self destruct, dropping his regular rewards.

P.S, If you expected me to give the code... No, I don't want you to crash your own computer.

I'm just going to say this one more time:
I know it feels impossible to destroy, but what else do you expect on Anarchy Mode!?!?

Deleted 5 years ago

I like how cheeky DoE talks :D

Great creation and we might want to try "detaching sub-bosses" idea for future boss creations. Thank you and keep it up!