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chapter one: 

I couldn't actually produce any chapter one footage this time due to the ongoing bug. also when interacting with objects unaware becomes very laggy and unplayable. including the cubes, Elizabeth, the frying pan, etc. although i do love the concept design where it's heading although when the bugs are fixed I believe the game will have a really nice touch to new players in the future.

for chapter two: I would like to mention a small visual update can accommodate the annoying lag in my playthrough. Second of all, I love the direction unaware is taking in chapter 2. Also, I found running through the tunnel system to separate areas pretty enjoyable. but yet again don't rush this part of the game I think it has great potential when its finished ps hardly any bugs in chapter 2 besides some lag other than that I enjoyed the new area that u have created.

thanks again, Allan(:

Hey Neville

I have just watched your playthrough and it was alright just recording chapter 2, since you already have recorded chapter 1 twice.

You mentioned the compass was missing. It should have been available from chapter 2’s beginning. So That is an issue I’ll have to look into. Shouldn’t be too hard to fix it. The player should start at chapter 2 with the Lantern, Compass, Full Health, Map and Matches.

Inside the mine, I noticed you’ve had significant lag spikes from time to time. I need to investigate that thoroughly.

I have just found out, I had two “mines” on top of each other. I have removed one of them of course.

As the player falls into the mine, I am planning to make some earthquake sounds and some camera shake, to make a bit more realistic.

Another thing was your view distance in the mine. You were able to see from one end of a tunnel to the other. It’s Unity’s weird way of lowering the graphics. This I have already fixed, so it won’t be possible anymore.

You forgot to blow up the rocks 😊

Last but not least, I want to inform you, that you can sprint holding down Shift.

Thanks again for all your help so far.
