It hurt my eyes and broke my brain, but that's not your fault, I just don't get on well with bullet hells. So with that disclaimer- I think this is not technically a bullet hell, but even Zombie Driver was close enough to break me- out of the way...
The bosses seemed much easier than the actual level, but maybe that's just because of the above. I also had trouble telling powerups apart from projectiles and telling terrain apart from the background, but again that could just be me.
I think this really did nail the arcade aesthetic. It really looks and sounds like a sidescroller you could see on coin-op machine back in the 80s or 90s. It's hard to describe this but some of the designs and audio cues just clicked.
It is pretty prototype-y at the moment, with only one level and a bunch of "press this key to fix this specific issue" at the main menu. The bullets also come out of a point just behind the player sprite, which is weird.
I haven't rated this yet, because the devlog doesn't seem to exist (unpublished draft, maybe?).