This mission introduces a great take on operational planning, one that I predict flows better than my own efforts in that direction (Operation Copper Glow). There's enough here to improvise successfully, which is important since the scenario gives so much initiative to the players.
It looks like it's built for ensuring player buy in, and tying a strategic and tactical version of play together in a way that promises to reward or punish PCs for their planning/failures to plan, without dragging out the pre-op phase forever. Well done!
I think special applause is needed for the geographical attention paid. Konduz is mostly beautiful, and frequently lush, but if you pay close attention to the specific place wherein the operation takes place and compare it to the real world location, both the description of it as an intel dead zone and a wasteland make sense. I hear a lot of people treat Afghanistan like the whole thing is a desert - Dice Goblin Games actually worked out the where and the why of how a mission like this would take place in the real world. Kudos for that.