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Research & Development

The research showcases different assets to be used on the scene. Exploration of narrative possibilities, lighting and material closeups might call for an extra layer of research.

Creative Art

The final image looks easy to read, with large surfaces and mostly subtle variations. The bakes have also very nice soft, round edges. The focal point is a bit on the storefront, but also the vending machine with lights on, that the shadow's line are leading towards.

The surfaces could use a bit larger polycount to make use of vertex blending and shadows could be made a bit lighter to sell the feeling of open air. I might also suggest looking at thicknesses of objects, as everything has that extra cartoony and rounded feeling with exception to architecture. Most of the props also feel more exaggerated on widths rather than height, which adds to the stylized feeling. Adding polygons to add interest to silhouettes would also be considered a plus, as most things feel a bit thin of irregularities, which gives a bit of a 3d feel to the image.

Technical Art

The modular pieces are well optimized. Some of the objects could be pushed a bit with on polycounts; planks on benches could be made with geometry and the plastic containers could have a bit more shape to them.

The lighting settings and post process showcase you put time and effort into adding an extra layer of polish into the scene. From what I've been able to tell, those two are the things that make scenes feel the most connected; as in, objects belong into the environment along with architecture. Were you missing skylight from your scene? It's an easy way to add brightness to the shadowed areas.

The rounded edges look nice with unique bakes. I'd suggest baking with face-weighted normals to get rid of gradients as they can mess up LODs of your objects. You might be more prone to tangent basis errors as well. You did the low polies with Max smoothing groups, right?


Images showcase the scene and props very well. I would have liked more progression shots with lighting, whiteboxing and greyboxing stages.

Final Presentation

Screenshots are of high quality and showcase different aspects of the scene.