This was just what I needed! Outstanding, well..., everything! There were a few very very very minor points:
- Prompts (sometimes) need an outline or a background, some early ones were hard for me to see (could be, in part, bad monitor calibration but it was still light-on-light)
- In the factory, it was weird that the moving platforms would bounce off of each other
- The music got a little old, not enough for me to do anything about it but some different sound fonts and maybe a bit more variation.
- Getting damaged was too intense and occasionally threw me weird places. OTOH, it never made things bad so maybe ignore this one.
- Attacks rebounded too much, esp when it was just a wall
- Sometimes there was a stalactite and I initially thought they would damage me due to seeing the pit earlier.
- Not a fan of the idle squashing, it makes the pixels look weird to me and being slow, it really stands out whereas the fast animations feel fine since it's so brief.
- The ending was abrupt (but really, who am I to complain, you had one at all)
It was 1:46 for 100% and wanted to note some extra great bits without spoiling them. I loved how to get the vengeful talisman, as well as how to get into the room with all the hanging cages for the talisman upgrade. Also, I felt the lore was really easy to read, not too much text but enough to really tell a story.
Also the pacing was sooooo gooood! I never felt lost, and having the markers meant I generally had an idea on what to do/go back to.
Again, stellar job!