Great first game! I don’t really have much to add that hasn’t already been commented on. Fiddle with numbers, try adding easing to the movement (not moving instantly), have your friends try it out and see what works and what doesn’t. Even though collecting all the coins doesn’t do anything, it’s nice you got a counter there at all, which is great, keep it up!
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Super cool concept! Initially I was stuck on the tutorial but after reading the comments, I got the object/cooldown. AFAIK, there isn’t any indicator what the current object is, and there’s an invisible entry between the last two so hitting C doesn’t change anything. I really struggled getting stuck on the walls, as others have mentioned. Still enjoyed it a lot, really clever idea with the cool down.
Nice work, a real fun take on the theme! Aside from the UI issues others have mentioned, placing planks was really challenging since the center snaps the the cursor but I generally want and end to snap. Scaling also didn’t seem to work for me. And, most comically, it doesn’t look the water does anything? For fun, I destroyed the whole bridge and they all just waded across!
Nice work, love the animation! As others have mentioned, something to make the stakes a little higher would have been good. Related, a diver I know surfaced to realize the anchor broke and his boat was drifting away, and faster than he could swim in his gear! So he pulled off his gear and attached it to a buoy hoping he could a) swim fast enough to catch up to his boat and b) that the buoy would actually float with most of his gear attached. Thankfully it all worked out, if I could feel that tension here, it would be quite the experience.
Another way you could go is rating how much trash you collect and showing the proportionally decayed planet as a result.
Great job! I always appreciate good gamepad controls. I think the biggest think I’d change is making the intro skippable; once I got through the game (and lost, hard), it was just so slow to restart. Having something cheeky like “(or was it just a dream?)” and you can instantly restart would have been nice and list out times. I struggled placing the boxes at first but I suspect in a longer experience I would have gotten the hang of it. Great execution overall!
Short but fun entry. I’ve learned a lot about mouse controls and godot web games this jam, the user has to have clicked in game before you capture the mouse. Probably the easiest way to do that is have a title screen with a “start” button (I messed up and auto focused the start button so “enter” could start the game, and the user wouldn’t have clicked therefore the mouse not get captured).
Definitely on the easy side, but I like that you got all the elements together. I think the music doesn’t quite fit the visuals but I really like spacey stuff so still enjoyed it. It also seemed like the movement direction wasn’t normalized so you move faster diagonally than going directly forward. It kinda worked to make it easier to avoid the enemies, but maybe too easy. I didn’t find hitting the enemies to be very useful but really liked knocking over the thing for a distraction.
I think there are just a few technical issues here but you have a good foundation to expand on, keep it up!
Sorry about the lag, I messed up my shader caching code so the first time it happens to basically freezes.
Is the room you got stuck in the pit in the castle? If so, when you drop in, you’ll find a ramp with an orb that gives you the ability to jump.
Thanks for playing and the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Turns out I’m learning a lot about how web builds work as people comment about control troubles but I think I’ve figured it out. My guess is you hit enter, or space to start the game since that button is highlighted, (so it works with gamepad) but you actually need to click with the mouse so the game has focus and can properly capture the mouse, which happens when the level starts. I clearly have some infrastructure code I need to work on to manage this. Regardless, thanks for giving it a try and letting me know about the issues.
No disagreements here. In retrospect, I think I should have left the terrain as the prototype texture and just changed colors for various locations and used that time for a audio and better feedback in general.
The tables are the only place where you can bring up the text to erase a word that then changes the level. Again, I really fell short of the intended feedback. Still, you got to the end (second jump was supposed to be invincibility to smash more things), thanks for giving my game a try!
Thanks for playing and the feedback. It’s funny, I accidentally left in camera rotation on they keyboard, I have it to act like the right stick on a gamepad, also handy when I develop on my laptop with a trackpad.
I’m assuming you played in browser? I belatedly realized something is off with the mouse capture, but the desktop works correctly (at least I hope!)
Cool concept, I really enjoyed the mechanic. One thing I think would help is if the the ground had more variation to it, sometimes it didn’t feel like I was moving because it was just a big solid patch of green. And to make it even better, dividing it into sections with landmarks. Not necessarily literal sections (though that would work), but maybe the top left is a forest, the top right has a lake, bottom left has lots of rocks and the bottom right is mostly grass. With these landmarks, it’s much easier to make sense of where the player is.
Obviously you could do other things, like an indicator of the player direction but I actually think what you have is more fun and engaging. Keep it up!
DANG, this is so GOOD! I almost got stuck on 4 but then my brain kicked into overdrive, until 9. Super clever take on the theme! The only critique could be no music but the sfx where great so I don’t know if it really would add much. I loved the subtle screen bulge, it annoys me when it’s in your face but this was just right! Would love to see more levels!
It took 4 tries before I got what was happening. Fortunately the game is so charming I didn’t mind too much. Initially I thought the “side of the bed” was just funny and movement was kinda broken, and there was a graphical glitch but I get it now. I’m partially colorblind so I had a lot of trouble with the red pencil. It was very challenging but it was also fun to get noticably better each time. I don’t know if it’s my goofy monitor, but all the icons were pretty small for me, it wasn’t until the end I realized the scissors damaged the connection. Stellar intro and interesting combo of gameplay mechanics, keep it up!
Great job! Loved the animation and music, it had a real fun feel. I also liked that you actually could outrun the cops instead of immediately being caught. Something was up with the light colliders, at least in the last level the flashlight was blocked on the inside instead of the outside (at least sometimes). Also, changing the stretching mode for the game would be nice so it displays better on different resolutions, it was impossible for me to read the level complete text. I won, but I’m not sure how well I did :P
Love the idea but it was sooooo hard! At least for me, I really struggled because I’d buy a magnifying glass then go to rotate but that, of course, cancels, so I get screwed a lot. I think the closest I could get was 20 goblins left but the enemy towers outpaced so quickly. I also think adding some incentive for making a squirrely path would have added an interesting layer of depth, maybe they get stronger as they go? Right now there isn’t much strategy, it’s mainly luck. With a little balancing, I can see this being really fun, keep it up!
Thanks for playing! Another comment made me realize I left in my “gamepad debug” controls, which I’m hoping is what you struggled with, WASD for movement then IJKL for camera, it’s like right stick on a gamepad. You can actually just use the mouse to look around like a regular PC game (though I’m finding that sometimes the web version can loose the cursor and then prevents the camera from full rotation). At least I hope that was your issue or was there something I missed with WASD + mouse?
Unfortunately no sound (just options in the template I forgot to remove). Definitely updating this one post jam, so many things left unfinished!
Awesome work! Really well done, there a lot of real clever puzzles. The only things I can think to add is having it speed up once you’ve solved the puzzle (it feels anti-climactic in some of the levels just waiting to get to the end) and a level select. It also seemed like there was a slight delay with the laser to the cursor (windows) but I’m assuming the laser was always accurate.
A super minor note, when the button is introduced, I didn’t initially notice it because it was so close to the UI which takes more attention. I didn’t make it to the end, but that was the only level that I initially struggled to make sense of.
Lots of cool details here! Initially I didn’t realize the ramps where ramps, I thought they where benches or some other blocker. I loved the little shake on the curb. I am well acquainted with overly ambitions plans. For me, the top things would be destination indicators and making the roads wider. Especially in the rain, it just felt too tight. Great entry!
Approved! In terms of the game, I don’t have anything to add, I loved it! Maybe that I was expecting the flesh paper to be fleshier, like the necronomicon in evil dead but it was still very clear. An ultra minor technical thing is the end screen isn’t centered but anchored left. I have a dumb ultrawide monitor that I hate because so many things work goofy, esp jams. Also appreciate not using the willhem scream for the shredder ending.
Thanks for playing! I’m assuming you played the web version? One thing I’ve belatedly found is sometimes the web version doesn’t capture the mouse correctly so you see the cursor and can’t turn all the way, is that what happened to you? Glad you liked the bug, I hope to do a better art pass on him post jam.